How safe is your city?

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Name names.


And theres a bit of difference between providing security at a political event and analyzing crime states from a multitude of cities.

I wasnt standing guarding a door D!ck Head, I was one of 4 people on the team that organised the security along with all the alpahabet soup departments that follow your president around.

And the Japanese Prime Minister

And The Chinese Premier

And 19 other leaders from around the pacific.

And all their representitives over 8 meetings covering 6 different cities over 9 months.

Any questions?

I think I know how to interpret statistics and figures.

If you need a program to store the figures in a database, colate them into reports and graphs that you can manipulate to prove your point on any given day, give me a call, I will make it for you in about 4 hours.

It is one of the things I charge customers $ 180.00 per hour to do. And seem to have more than 40 hours work a week for the last 7 years.

Have I got a degree, nope.

Do I need one, nope.

I have met enough of "you" in this life to know that you will probably end up in some middle management position with an over inflated opinion of your knowledge and abilities.

Hopefully you will end up in the corporate sector, where all you can screw is someones money.

People like you in Government departments ARE dangerous, you end up putting people like me in harms way. And will NEVER listen to reality.

Having said that, I now I just wasted the last 5 minutes of my life.
The point here is So Cal is like an unmixed gallon of paint, no consistency - you could be driving in Costa Mesa, Irvine, Norwalk or Granada Hills and you could shot at randomly.

No freeway shootings in months, maybe even over a year.

The entire area is over run with gangs and it's evident by all the little pieces of graffiti which can be found anywhere along the freeways.

Hardly any grafitti is seen on the freeways now (in OC and most of LA) due to an agressive cleanup effort by caltrans. Its been months since I last called in a cleanup request.
I wasnt standing guarding a door D!ck Head, I was one of 4 people on the team that organised the security along with all the alpahabet soup departments that follow your president around.

And the Japanese Prime Minister

And The Chinese Premier

And 19 other leaders from around the pacific.

And all their representitives over 8 meetings covering 6 different cities over 9 months.

Any questions?

Irrelevant to this discussion as you arent a "beat cop" in the US. No doubt you might know things about crime in NZ, but not in the US.

If you need a program to store the figures in a database, colate them into reports and graphs that you can manipulate to prove your point on any given day, give me a call, I will make it for you in about 4 hours.

Start slicing and dicing the DOJ/FBI reports to prove I am wrong. No doubt you feel you have special powers to be able to see through millions of crime reports, and find the flaw in their analysis.

Sorry, but the DOJ/FBI figures are far more trustworthy than your ideas.

Have I got a degree, nope.

Never too late to go to school

Do I need one, nope.

No intellectual curiosity no doubt.

I have met enough of "you" in this life to know that you will probably end up in some middle management position with an over inflated opinion of your knowledge and abilities.

Ive met enough retards like you in my life. Know it all's who never set foot in the classroom.

You would make a good politician, know that?

Hopefully you will end up in the corporate sector, where all you can screw is someones money.

Money is money.

People like you in Government departments ARE dangerous, you end up putting people like me in harms way. And will NEVER listen to reality.

Good, youre a follower and not a leader.

Having said that, I now I just wasted the last 5 minutes of my life.

At what time????

8:00 AM, and then 3:00 PM. I did get off the 5 freeway
in Tustin in the afternoon because of the traffic delays due to the 5/57/22 interchange construction. So I had a leisurely 55 mph drive along Jamboree into Orange.

Tuesday was similar. 70 mph along the 55 to John wayne and then 70 mph down the 405 to Irvine. All during the afternoon.

I dont know where some of you folks get the idea that all the freeways are always jammed at all times.
8:00 AM, and then 3:00 PM. I did get off the 5 freeway
in Tustin in the afternoon because of the traffic delays due to the 5/57/22 interchange construction. So I had a leisurely 55 mph drive along Jamboree into Orange.

Tuesday was similar. 70 mph along the 55 to John wayne and then 70 mph down the 405 to Irvine. All during the afternoon.

I dont know where some of you folks get the idea that all the freeways are always jammed at all times.

do that at 5:30 pm:rolleyes:

the freeways are always jammed and you know it - 3 pm on a Friday, it's just getting started...

do that at 5:30 pm

the freeways are always jammed and you know it - 3 pm on a Friday, it's just getting started...

Anywhere you go in the world, there are traffic jams.

When I was at HUGHES, I had an argument with my boss on who had the worst congestion. Jakarta, Bangkok or Rio.

I had to agree with him that since I had never been to Rio, and he had been to all three.....that Rio was the worst.
I have met enough of "you" in this life to know that you will probably end up in some middle management position with an over inflated opinion of your knowledge and abilities.

Hopefully you will end up in the corporate sector, where all you can screw is someones money.QUOTE]

Ouch!!! As a Manager in the corporate sector that hurts me to the core!! I am smarter, faster and better then the rest of them. Really I am! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Good post k9kiwi I LMFAO. Well said.
K9kiwi is one of those guys who lives an uneventfull life wishing for things that might have been.

In the end, its people like him I will get to supervise.
Don't stain the sheets waiting for it to happen.

I don't have "ubervisors", I run my own business. Been doing it for years.

Don't work for NO ONE ELSE, don't have to. I control my own destiny. Working with my wife for our sons future. ALL ON OUR LONESOME.

Don't need some young puke with figures up his wazoo telling me what is true.

Truth is just what that person saw in that fleeting instant of time, right when they were fighting for survival.

History is people like you bending those images to portray your version of truth.

Reality is what happens in the next minute, hour, day.

I live in reality.

Your choice sunshine.
You guys are so much fun. Just a barrel of laughs around here. Any chance you guys are going to go your separate ways and let it go?

Yeh yeh I know your answer already just had to ask.

Plonker wot gots da dagree thigamy.

I funk da corruct ways ta says it would bees..

"how statistics used by the DOJ in the US are completely inaccurate"

An I didunt need a Celcius to figure that out ( scuse me we is metric down ere).


Not a bloody chance Mate.

Once a Tracker always a Tracker.

Cry Havoc.

And let slip my Dogs of War.

Yup, Bill Shakespare penned it a while back. Didn't need a celcius on that bugger.

(Unit Motto... Cry Havoc)


When you stop living vicariously (look it up) off other people, realise where you fit in this planet, and actually stand on two feet.

I will buy you a real BEER. (NO not bud)

Until then, keep peeing in the nappies sunshine.
K9kiwi is one of those guys who lives an uneventfull life wishing for things that might have been.

In the end, its people like him I will get to supervise.

Syscom I am getting tired of your attitude and think you are better than everyone else. You better tone it down now, or find someplace else to post...

I ****ing serious.
No freeway shootings in months, maybe even over a year..
Bull - I posted several earlier, here...

Last week, drive by - Article - News - Police searching for Costa Mesa shooters

October - - Police Seek SUV Involved In Road Rage Shooting

October - Police Impersonator Allegedly Shoots at Motorist

August Drive By - Article - News - Fourth person charged in Costa Mesa drive-by shooting

July, Anaheim - Article: News - Man hit, killed by truck following shooting

This one exactly one year ago - - Man Injured In Car-To-Car Freeway Shooting

Here's a time line side presentation of So Cal freeway shootings for last year... - Slideshow

It took 5 minutes to find these - you were saying????
So am I... I read this entire thread and his attitude is becoming unacceptable... Statistics will never be 100% accurate, and to base any opinion on them is just plain idiotic...

I took several classes on criminal justice, as well as having several close friends who are in the upper hierarchy of law enforcement, and even they balk at some of the crime stats that come out....

AS for the safest cities, mine isnt listed and I cant tell u the last time there was a violent crime here in Ocean Springs Mississippi... People leave their cars and homes unlocked here, there is never ANY congestion, and there is ZERO gang activity....

Obviously, we got overlooked in the statistical survey.... But wait, by syscoms reasoning, those stats are 100% accurate, so I guess I dont have a clue what Im talking about, because if the statistics dont show my city as one of the safer ones, I must be full of sh!t and completely ignorant to the ways of the world...

Syscom, do urself a favor and tone it down.... I will give u a yellow card if u do not... Im sick and tired of reading this squabbling bullish!t... Stats are just that, stats, which are used to make intelligent, informative guesses.... Nothing more... They are not the Holy Grail of information....

If ALL crimes are not reported, there is no way that the statistical evidence is accurate.... Safety is in the eye of the beholder, not the FBI or Dept of Justice... If u dont report every single carjacking, how can u say that the crime statistics are accurate... Or every rape... Or every robbery....

U think that every single drive by shooting in LA is reported to the police??? Wake the fu*k up for christs sake and smell the java...

And get off ur high horse sys, because ur sorry @ss is no better in any way shape or form than my sorry @ss...

Enough ranting.... Cool out sys or the Minister gets angry...
Anywhere you go in the world, there are traffic jams.

When I was at HUGHES, I had an argument with my boss on who had the worst congestion. Jakarta, Bangkok or Rio.

I had to agree with him that since I had never been to Rio, and he had been to all three.....that Rio was the worst.

So Cal has one of the worse traffic problems in the US, if not the world, you cannot deny that!!!

From a Fed. Govt. Report....

Los Angeles also leads the Travel Rate Index, which also measures the difference between peak and off-peak travel, but only takes volume delays -- not accidents or other factors -- into account. The other top cities in that category were: San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, Chicago and San Diego (tie), Boston, Portland, and Atlanta and Las Vegas (tie).

You jumped on the freeway before the rush hour started, by 4:30 or 5 you ain't driving 70 anywhere and you know that! Again Sys, you ain't BSing me, I lived there, I know what it's like and that's one of the reasons why I left!

I'm going to post a So Cal Traffic map net week which will show Orange Country at 6:00pm - let's see what it shows!
Bull - I posted several earlier, here...

Last week, drive by - Article - News - Police searching for Costa Mesa shooters

October - - Police Seek SUV Involved In Road Rage Shooting

October - Police Impersonator Allegedly Shoots at Motorist

August Drive By - Article - News - Fourth person charged in Costa Mesa drive-by shooting

July, Anaheim - Article: News - Man hit, killed by truck following shooting

This one exactly one year ago - - Man Injured In Car-To-Car Freeway Shooting

Here's a time line side presentation of So Cal freeway shootings for last year... - Slideshow

It took 5 minutes to find these - you were saying????

The Costa Mesa shootings were not freeway related.

The Orange shooting was indicative of something more sinister, not a typical road rage shooting.

And nothings happened in three months. Big deal. Its still a very rare event considering the miles of freeway, geographic size and numbers of people.
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