Huge rise in British UFO sightings

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Laugh it up funny boys. There are unexplained things observed that I don't think can be earmarked as weather phenomena nor military craft. Ask around if folks have ever seen something they can't explain. And for those more experienced in this forum, I would hold their observations in higher credence. Me? I ain't got nothin.
Hi Matt,

>Laugh it up funny boys. There are unexplained things observed that I don't think can be earmarked as weather phenomena nor military craft. Ask around if folks have ever seen something they can't explain.

Actually, I have experienced a UFO sighting myself. Giantic, pink, constantly morphing flying object on a bright, clear summer day, several other witnesses around me.

I don't know what kind of stories I'd tell about extraterrestrians today if I hadn't been able to fetch my field glasses hurriedly to discover that there was a rather simple explanation (little pink balloons tied to each other).

The conditions on that day had coinceded to create a perfect illusion - the key was that extremely clear air completely mislead everyone about the distance, and thus the size of the object.

(Science Fiction author Arthur C. Clarke - Odyssee 2001 - once said: "I don't believe in UFOs, I have seen too many of them.")

In short, we will always get UFO sightings regardless of whether there are actually any extraterrestrians around or not. (Hardly suprising considering that you'll seldom find three witnesses agreeing on what exactly happened in any random traffic accident!)

But of course, the existence of explicable UFOs doesn't prove the absence of aliens


Henning (HoHun)

Hey I know, I've been to Roswell....
I think I posted this in another thread, but I can always tell when there is a "real" UFO in the neighborhood.

Very high tech is this Flying Saucer detector that I have the patent rights to.



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I have to admit that I lived in Roswell for a couple of years at the end of the 70s. Of course there is an increase of activities in GB, is it not the home of Dr Who?
I have to admit that I lived in Roswell for a couple of years at the end of the 70s. Of course there is an increase of activities in GB, is it not the home of Dr Who?

I used to be a big fan of the show!

But I don't remember which Doctor had this companion....


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I have one unexplained sighting. I was working tower in Chatham New Brunswick in the late 70's . To the west of the base is 109 miles of trees no towns etc . I saw a bright light in the west at a med altitude , I followed it for a while with the binoculars and it was erratic , so I called down to aerodrome or terminal Radar asked if the were painting anyone to the west and they weren't , being a Norad base I had direct lines to 22 Norad and the local heavy radar site , I called the local heavy radar guys asked them to check to the west and got the same answer. Ditto for Norad . I had the QRA pilots confirm seeing it as well as controllers but we were all reluctant to fill out a CIRVIS report(COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS) . , but I had at hand the best resources you could want . What it was I don't know
Just your imagination Pb. Or so most would say. I won't profess UFO = extraterestrials. But something is going on where airline pilots, military pilots and others with a credible aeronautical background are seeing phenomena that unexplained.
When in my teens while lying in bed looking out the window at the sky (full daylight) I saw something similar to this pic. Now this pic isn't what I saw be it is very close. Even then I knew there wasn't anything that could do this.


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You know, after all these years I never thought of that. Just stuck with my teenage impression. But now that you said that.....

But another dimension was the speed. Incredible even at the height it was. The pic I posted is just an impression. The actual object was - I'm guessing - near outer atmosphere. It was a pinpoint really with a vapor trail that turned on a dime at a terrific speed. But I do have to think in 3 dimensions.
I too once thought I saw a UFO. I was a kid (who was immersed in planes) and saw an object from atop a hill. It was coming towards me all lit up, no sound. As it got closer it had the appearance of spinning from right to left (counterclockwise), flat and lit up on the edges.

As my mind started to formulate what it might be, the aircraft flew over me. It was a biplane with a scrolling LED sign on the lower wind repeating "Eat at Chan's" or some such BS. Only then did I hear the whine of the radial engine.

I had almost the same thing happen to me.

1982 and I was on my way to the shore at about 5 in the morning. As I drove through the back bay areas in the rising sun I saw the wierdest aircraft I had ever seen, at literally tree-top level. Real inconventional looking, so much so that I thought that the Russians were actually attacking. The two jets flew over head and I could clearly see the white star on the side which eased my fears but I was curious about what the #ell kind of US aircraft that was.

It was the first time I saw an A-10.

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