Hurricane crash

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Airman 1st Class
Dec 29, 2006
Bomber county UK
news just in about a plane crash at Shoreham (UK)
No details yet,but it said a Hurricane ....dont know which one yet....
and the pilot was killed...
It seems that every week there's been a mishap for the past couple months. I hope it does not result in a knee-jerk reaction from politicians resulting in overregulation of GA.
You've probably read the news reports.....
It was a Hurricane XII ( G-HURR ) painted as AEC BD707 based at Duxford with The Real Aeorplane Company.
The pilot was Brian Brown..
Sounds like a stall/spin in at low altitude. Not the first time it's happened and won't be the last. Too many of these dogfights go on at 1,000ft so the crowd can see them. As a consequence, when a guy tries to cut a corner too tight, they fall out wihtout enough room to recover. Saw it happen to an AT-6 in Oklahoma some years back.

Too low, gain some altitude and do it.
In WW2 low level aerobatics (victory rolls etc) were not allowed,at least in the RAF (they still did it !) and a lot of pilots notes for these aircraft say no below certain heights.
I dont know the statistics...maybe someone here can supply them....but a lot pf pilots were killed in accidents and stunts.
Sorry for the pilot..



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More pilots were killed probably in training then in combat
Sadly,did you know this Hurricane was used by the RCAF in 1942 (serial No 5589 ) ?
It was on a coastal defence sqd (dont know which/where ) but ended up being recovered from a farm in Sakatoon Saskatchewan in 1970.
it ended up back in UK and was restored to flying status.
Yea I know very few of the Brit ones around ours is also a Canadian one . I know a few of the pilots and fitter riggers from Duxford as they visit occasionally our small collection. The photo is the one i get to massage


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