I need to get out more !

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Hells Teeth !
There are too many pubs on that map that can be visited in a week ................. maybe I should do a ten day tour in the Tin Tent, just to make sure I get them all ?
Droth expelled ure liquid sunscorched, warmth unto thy tongue as thy lady's bosom. Bringeth forth frothy tall glasses roundeth purchased, tarry longe en drinketh hearty mine freonds ond foes alyke, for heofon's own be Englaland's flavour, Ealdormann ond mudhut dweller toghethar, aquiver whith Divine longing, entwine wholeheartedly ure Godcundness mandath! Flor byrthryth's destyny to shareth ov this steep, this myighty equalizer, this supraeme rewardeth flor living, Wearm pisle waeter, mother drinketh ov ure crydle, ure Englaland, ure own.
....more like a post for pub but a close guess...

"UK pubs closing at a rate of 27 a week, Camra says. The number of pubs fell by 1,444 in the UK in 2015 despite an overall decline in pub closures, according to the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra). There were 52,750 pubs at the end of last year, down from 54,194 in December 2014.Feb 4, 2016" - www.independent.co.uk/

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