I never dream...

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
...but when I do, it's memorable:

I was in a building - maybe an office block - in central London, with someone else, may have been my Mrs, but I couldn't see them clearly. I was looking out of the window when I saw a B-52 flying by..

I said "That's pretty strange" and watched it for a moment, when suddenly it started climbing, I shouted "That's not right!" and it went vertical at max power before stalling and crashing backwards into the ground.

There was a massive series of explosions (full bomb load) with chunks of concrete the size of filing cabinets hitting our building. I pulled the other person behind a pillar and said "We should be alright here" there was another huge rumbling noise, and then I woke up...
Cheese does that, ya know !

wish there was a way of plugging yourself in with a USB whatsit to record dreams....I've had some reall great ones
wear a nicotine patch while you sleep sometime if you want a real treat. i guarentee you that you will experience the most bizarre and memorable dreams you ever had. i did that one of the times i was trying to quit smoking. i woke up mildly freaked out in a cold sweat by what had played through my head. it was like an episode of the twilight zone and tale's of the crypt combined. they were interesting to say the least.... and after i thought about it....enjoyable. haha
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Funny, that.
I usually get strange dreams about aircraft crashing when I'm stressed and need to reset my grounding.
I think the worst dream in that respect was recently, where I dreamed that I was at the airport, and one of the landing planes - an Airbus 380 - crashed big-time.
When I think back on it, it's just like I can still feel the heat from the fire and smell the stench of burning plastic, fabric, fuel and meat.
I suppose aircraft a big feature of my life now, so it shouldn't be to surprising - makes a change from being ripped apart by lions I suppose...

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