Well two monoblock amps will set you back about $100k. A top end turntable, about $130k. Preamp about $50k. Cables to hook it all up $20k. SACD player $20k. And the Wilson speakers? I think they go for over $100k too. Small chunk of change.
Oh and for an idea of the ridiculousness of the build standards, the finish of the speakers is guaged to 1/10,000th of an inch and the turntable platter and plinth weigh about 150lbs.
Either of you guys ever sailed on the open ocean? Those power yachts are very unstable uncomfortable in any kind of heavy seas, they are mainly good for sailing around in coastal waters. (with a bunch of girls) 8)
if you want to cruise around the Caribbean or any longer distance you need something more like this.
Oh yes Iforgot that Iwould also love to have a King Tiger tank. You guys can go on about your wee little boats, but if could I would love to have a Battleship.
Would love to see the faces on people, if these girls came steaming into Pearl Harbor....
Colorado (BB-45), Maryland (BB-46), and West Virginia (BB-48.), followed by Tennessee (BB-43) and three older battleships.
Photograph taken from USS California (BB-44).