SAP bombs with a short delay were really required. Unfortunately the Luftwaffe did not have many such bombs in late 1940. The Sprengbombe Dickwandig (SD) ordnance only went up to 500Kg in late 1940. The Panzerdurchslags Cylindrisch (PC) ordnance was used against Illustrious in January 1941, but results for the 1,000Kg bomb were disappointing and the 1,400Kg version was developed later.
While I agree with your general assessment, it bothers me to see this mythical claim mentioned so often in these threads. I am curious for a source for this - from what I have seen the claim is unfounded. I am sure makers of the claim can support it figures of German bomb stocks by type.
You might also be interested in the PC - RS series of bombs.
PC 1000 Rs: Rocket-Propelled Bomb « Catalog of Enemy Ordnance
Your claim that the SD series only went up to 500 kg in late 1940 is also curious in view that 1 April 1940 Luftwaffe instructions mentioned already the SD 1000, SD 1400, PC 1000, SC 1800 etc.
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