Tech Sergeant
Does anybody really think the people of the UK would do less when national survival is at stake?
Astonishingly, some people evidently do think just that. Those people need to be forced to sit in a room and listen to country western music for a week.
The German military for all its well deserved reputation and acknowledged expertise didn't know squ*t about amphibious warfare in 1940 although the KM was smart enough to recognize the inadequacy. As a result of Sea Lion, the Germans began to think more seriously about the subject, although it is not clear to me their thinking was ever translated to a successful demonstration of the operational art. Perhaps the Nazis staged one successful, significant (larger than a division or corp in scale) amphibious operation (involving a shoreline invasion from open water to coastal beach. NOT a River crossing) in WW2. If so, I am not aware of it.
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