1st Sergeant
If the German High Command had a massive brainfart and went ahead with the invasion against all sanity I can see the following happening. The big blue hammer from the North wipes out a big chunk of the German supply boats and the Channel is littered with sunken barges, the RN loses 5 or 6 WWI vintage light cruisers maybe a dozen or so WWI vintage destroyers and several dozen smaller vessels. The Kreigmarine rusts gently on the bottom of the North Sea. The south east coastal area up to 10 or 15 miles inland is a smoking ruin pockmarked with the wreckage of a large chunk of the LWs Ju52 and Ju87 fleet. Several thousand Germans mostly officers are rescued in a heroic effort by the LW and perhaps 100 to 120,000 men are marched off to POW camps to spend the rest of the war digging fields.
In even the worst possible case of the Germans holding Kent winter is coming the nights are getting longer and the RN owns the Channel and what remains of the LW transport fleet is being steadily whittled away by accidents even if the RAF doesnt get involved. On the inland waterways of Europe there is a massive shortage of barges a nasty winter is coming and a lot of Europe is going to get very cold as the coal the barges usually moved is stuck at the mines waiting for the overloaded railways to shift it. Iron ore is also not getting moved and the railways begin to lose the battle to keep everything moving. Hitler the worlds worst Charlie Chaplin impersonator and his fat friend wont retreat and the LW is ground away till it is a shadow of itself. The loss of even 250,000 troops and a few tanks and guns is neither here nor there but a much weaker LW means no Barbarossa in 41 and by 42 the Soviet Union might be ready for the invasion.
In even the worst possible case of the Germans holding Kent winter is coming the nights are getting longer and the RN owns the Channel and what remains of the LW transport fleet is being steadily whittled away by accidents even if the RAF doesnt get involved. On the inland waterways of Europe there is a massive shortage of barges a nasty winter is coming and a lot of Europe is going to get very cold as the coal the barges usually moved is stuck at the mines waiting for the overloaded railways to shift it. Iron ore is also not getting moved and the railways begin to lose the battle to keep everything moving. Hitler the worlds worst Charlie Chaplin impersonator and his fat friend wont retreat and the LW is ground away till it is a shadow of itself. The loss of even 250,000 troops and a few tanks and guns is neither here nor there but a much weaker LW means no Barbarossa in 41 and by 42 the Soviet Union might be ready for the invasion.