If you were a pilot in ww2 which plane would you want to fly

What plane woul you want to use going into combat

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lamo that went over my head
The question forces one to pick an airplane that's either a compromise (P-51) between low and high altitude performance, superior at neither, or superior at one and inferior at the other (P-47 high; F-4u low, for me). I took the P-47 for its combination of ruggedness, firepower, and speed at high altitude.
Sheer coolness choice? P-38.
P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39
P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39, P-39
The only thing I can say is that you're EXTREMELY lucky I don't generally visit the forum on weekends, however...

A penalty this flagrant might get you a season long suspension with attending monetary fines!!!

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