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The annoying thing is many of these models will be only be seen in BoB....


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Here's some pics of a Swordfish model I found.... This was still unfinshed, as you can see, but more than getting there!


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Anyway, outside of that, on the basis of this, Oleg and Co should be saved from the evil corporate strongarming that they've been subjected to recently.

"Important Trademark Ruling by Supreme Court"

LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-04 AT 12:54 PM (EST)

On Dec 8 the U.S. Supreme Court decided, 9-0, that plaintiffs in trademark disputes bear the entire obligation to show how the defendants product descriptions, based on fair use, confuse consumers about the originating company.
IOW, it strikes a massive blow on behalf of common sense: the burden of proof now falls upon the plaintiff to show (a) consumers are confused and easily mistake goods from company ABC to be from company DEF and (b) economic harm has occured as a result.

The case originated over descriptive text that included a trademarked phrase. The defendants have won.

What it means to folks like us here is if you write "Not affiliated with the Union Pacific Railroad or General Motors Corporations, or the transportation industry in any way" you've erected a fairly good defense against confusion when you go on to describe your product as "An artistic intrepretation represented by an electronic image of a locomotive produced by General Motors from 1959 to 1967 as used by the Union Pacific RR in 1965, for use only as an add-on enhancement to MSTS".

Because such a description of your product is not only completely accurate but has established the nature of the product and the marketplace in which the product is distributed, both of which are not really relevant to the mentioned corporations, their marks, or their products.

Basically, this sets a legal precident - as long as any release of US aircraft sims include the "artistic representation" disclaimer, you're in the clear.
Okay, moving on to the final aero-treat of the night.... The all new flyable and generally improved Catalina! (with wheels!)


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What I've heard is that with this improved flyable model, you can drop the wheels, and taxi up out of the water onto land! Which would be fun!
Oh well, since I found em' I might as well put these last few dog ends up....

A really rough model of a Fulmar that almost certantly won't get off the ground, and some extra ships - two fuel barges, loaded and empty, a tugboat for your capital ships, another fishing trawler and a junk.


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I know, those were literally the only ones I found, and the strange thing is, creating a model of a ship would be a much less tricky business. If they're serious with that Murmansk map, they absolutely have to put in some more R.N ships - a few corvettes and those nasty little escort carriers which were only single screw and were oil tankers in a previous life.
Medvedya said:
Right, it would appear that Skorpy has actually done something useful for once. - he's pasted the link for the 3.03 patch on the H.G site, which I've copied here at the bottom of the 'Read me'.

Here is the 3.03/3.03m version of the readme file.

Pacific Fighters v.3.03 (3.03m)


The current version 3.03 (3.03m) is not compatible with the previous versions of the game when playing via network. Both the server and client must have appropriate versions of the game in order to connect.

For your convenience we've introduced different version numbers for the stand-alone installation and the joint FB+AEP+PF install.
3.03 – for stand alone PF
3.03m – for FB+AEP+PF
And of course, the versions 3.03 and 3.03m are not compatible with each other playing via network.

Notes on the Patch Installation

This 3.03 patch may be installed over the previous 3.0 stand alone version.
The 3.03m patch version can only be installed over the merged PF 3.0 install (FB+AEP+PF).

This 3.03 patch maybe installed as well over 3.01(3.01m) or 3.02b(3,02bm) with corresponding installation versions.

To install the patch, run
1) Stand alone PF: PF_patch303.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

2) Merget install FB+AEP+PF: PF_patch303m.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

Notice: The new method tested in 3.01 and 3.02 need more work for protection of possible online cheaters. So currently we release such exe file only for dedicated server.

Notice: the main purpose of this patch

The version 3.03 makes compatible online all the language versions that are released or coming soon in several countries.

Main modifications and fixes

3D models

1. More inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however still several cockpit changes with some levers and indicators will be available only in the add-on with new planes later).
2. Corrected many minor glitches.

FM and aircraft performance

1. Additional minor individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made (Dive speed F4F for example).
2. Reworked physics model of automatic multi-stage supercharger (most visible result - on FW-190A/F, P-51s and some others).

Other improvements:

1. Multiplay: Corrected on client side the ships damaged. Corrected respawn method for more than one carrier on the dogfight map at once for one army.
2. Improved visibility of some ships, vehicles and columns.
3. Additional fixes for dynamic campaign.
4. Corrected external fuel tanks on Spitfire IX and Spitfire VIII
5. Corrected rocket loadout for Seafire
6. Corrected bomb racks for Spitfire IX
7. Corrected several non-destructable ground vehicles
8. Corrected compass of P-38s

New objects:
1. Static smokes
2. Static fires
3. Static airfield electric lights

It seems Oleg has included an Easter Egg for us...

What might that be?

A little bundle of joy known as the F2A-2!
I found another pit pic - a Condor. There's an urban myth about this one. You know they used to circle Arctic convoys relaying information about strength, position, speed ect... well the captain of one of the escorting ships, knowing the Condor was out of range, and having a mischievous streak, signaled to it....

"Please go the other way around - you are making us dizzy."

To which the Condor pilot waggled his wings in acknowledgment and duly obliged! :lol: anyway, here's the pic.....


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Let me clarify something, to start with: I have no interest in pirating or running pirated software on my machine! I for one believe in buying my computer games honestly.

So, does anyone know of a way that I can run the merged install of PF, without having to place my bought and paid for copy of PF in the drive? :-"

(If this invites the wrath of the mods, I give up! :lol:)
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