IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Yep RB...but once in a while, greed gets the better of me, and I pay for it...

Kinda like in this shot...whatever possesed me to make a level "7" on a B-17, I'll never know. If you want to see the end result, see the "Hammered but Home" thread...LMAO


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Most of my simming and screenshots are actually for making novel storyboards. Hence panoramic style, individual shots feature heavily. In my story aircraft play the roles of characters as much as people.


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Here's a couple more. They're all from my current project, hopefully published early '09.


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''Most of my simming and screenshots are actually for making novel storyboards. Hence panoramic style, individual shots feature heavily. In my story aircraft play the roles of characters as much as people ''

Are we talking anthropomorphic airoplanes here?
Could you clarify a bit please?

I'm just curious about your project!
Some old screens of some old member

*some of these are edited a little


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Landing is always difficult especially when a runway was missed.
Here some of mine.


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