IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Much better landing than mine Dan.
I still see a plane.


I got the kill but lost the plane.
I tried to Boom and Zoom but I missed him.
I was trying to pull out of my dive and I looped underneath him and clipped his wing on the way back up.
I got the screenshot from a .trk I made because when I flew the mission I had no clue what happened.
The external views were shut off.
I thought he had shot my controls away and I bailed.
The zero crashed into the ground before my plane (the P-40) did so I got the kill. 8)

It was a US Army Fighter DGen campaign that started in Hawaii and I was in New Guinea.
I think it was the first mission on that map and the second one of the career.



  • P-40_Kill.jpg
    140.7 KB · Views: 198
Hey, at least you got the kill!

Coming up from underneath and behind is a trademark attack angle of mine, and the IL-2 never knew what hit it as it was skimming along the clouds...


  • 110_standingovation.jpg
    34.5 KB · Views: 180
Did the tail gunner take a shot at you before they bailed ?

I think with the new G-forces they are implementing with the v4.10 patch I would have tore the wings right off that P-40.


A taxiing mishap in this pic.
I found out that I couldn't go into the hangar.
I was to close and I tore off the boom when I tried to turn around.

I didn't think to try and takeoff until after I exited the mission.
That would have made for an interesting screenshot.



  • P-38.jpg
    162.4 KB · Views: 201
Did the tail gunner take a shot at you before they bailed ?
Nope...the poor bastards never had a chance...

I was below and closing the gap fast and at the last second, I brought 'er up and let fly with the Mk108s and took thier port wing off as I thundered past. gotta watch out for the "damage bubble" in regards to solid objects...

One of the frustrating things I find in IL-2 is you can't taxi your crate under the camo nets and/or into hangars without lighting 'em up...

And trying to take off in that would have been really interesting to see...and I agree, it would have made for a good screenshot when it all went wrong!
You can taxi into the largest hangar.
I have taxied into those in my screenshot before but not with a P-38.

The camo nets are definitely too small.
I hate that when you put a static aircraft in the camo nets its wings protude from the sides.
The only way around it is to put the planes in partially.


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