As a new member to this great site I would just like to say hi. I have been looking for a dedicated site like this for ages, where fellow enthusiasts can gather. So, fellow enthusiasts, I have been constructing several PDF illustrated document files from pictures I have collected and scanned over the years and finally have the software to arrange them as I wanted. The first, "Aircraft-of-WW2.pdf" , contains (at present) 292 Highly detailed side elevation Paintings, but this is being updated on a regular basis as I find newer pictures. When I suss out the software a bit more (and find the time!!) , I will add a full Specification database for each plane. The second PDF is Armoured Fighting Vehicles of WW2 whisch is also a work in progress and contains (at the moment) 300 Colour Pics. The file size of the Aircraft pdf is currently 8.32mb. I have included an image from the database, let me know if you are interested in the full PDF file.