Interwar Rarity; Tachikawa Ki-55

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi Guys, images of the Tachikawa Ki-55 on display in Beijing; it's been added to my walkaround site. Link below.

Ki-55 01

Ki-55 17

Ki-55 30

Ki-55 41

Ki-55 45

Link to walkaround site and information: Warbirds | Warbirds Walkaround brother was based at Tachi back in the 70's, but I've never heard of anyone flying one!
Kinda reminds me of a variation of the plane James Garner flew in The Great Escape.
Thanks guys, was not expecting to see the aircraft in Beijing; I thought it might have still been at the China Aircraft Museum, so it was a surprise. There's a Ki-36 in Thailand, but that's it for the breed, I think.

I didn't think Tachikawa made anything more than a biplane.

Take a look at some of the firm's designs. They had some interesting stuff, although the Ki-54 was pretty much the Japanese go to transport twin.

Tachikawa Aircraft Company - Wikipedia
Final design appears to be the Tachihi R-HM. HM standing for Henri Mignet - French designer of the controversial Pou-du-Ciel. Based on his M.H.310 design of 1950, the Japanese version was claimed to be improved in many respects...

That'd be the Bucker Bu 181 Bestmann. Can't see the similarity to the Ki.36/55 myself - but if you move down that Wiki list above you come to the Tachikawa TS.1. Now to me that does look similar....

View attachment 478133 View attachment 478134
The BUCKER! Thanks Graeme, I could not remember the name of that plane to save my life!
Yeah, seeing the Bucker now, I see your point...however, I only said it reminded me of the Bucker (it was the fixed landing gear and the glass).
...funny you should bring up that trainer, though...
If you look at the specs, it's powerplant is listed as a Scott Flying Squirrel.
The Scott Flying Squirrel holds the unique distinction of being one of the first water-cooled motorcycles ever produced.

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