Is it possible to build a WW2 Fighter?

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May 11, 2021
Hey. This might be a dumb question. Actually im a guy that can fly a plane. Only small ones like C172 or ASK23 / 21.
Because im very bored and i want to do something nice, i actually want to reconstruckt a Fighter out of WW2 in real size. Something like a Bf109 (G2 or K4 or something like that).
Im just aiming for a design with a retractable landing gear, good power and that "old" fighter look.
I love those planes and i really wanna try to do it. Of course I dont want to perfectly reconstruckt everything, but close to that. So what do you think? Where can i get blueprints from? Where should i start? Is it even possible for a "layman" like me? I know everything a PPL - having person knows about a plane. Im in a club for flying (idk the exact word for that in english, its something like a flight school).
Do you have the mechanical skills, welding skills, fabricating skills, etc. to build a car from scratch ?

If you do, you might attempt it, but it's going to be even harder to build a aircraft of any sort, let alone a WW2 fighter.
Do you have the mechanical skills, welding skills, fabricating skills, etc. to build a car from scratch ?

If you do, you might attempt it, but it's going to be even harder to build a aircraft of any sort, let alone a WW2 fighter.
I have some skills doing it. I already built a motorcycle before. Im just not sure where to start from. I need blueprints or something. Then i can decide wich material i use.

It's been done, I hope you have deep pockets!
A scratch built Mustang is pretty easy if you have the skills or deep pockets. Just realize that you are going to need in the range of half a million bucks just for the engine, prop cooling system and landing gear. Longerons and wing attach fittings will set you back another 50 grand or more.
The scale Spitfire kit is about 180K$.
It won't be a quick project by any means..... Jurcara scale replicas end up taking several thousand manhours over 10-20 years to be completed by the average builder. Even a current Van's RV, kit, with all it's prepunched holes and prepared parts will take you a thousand manhours or more to build.
Aside from out of the pocket expense for the engine, airframe fabrication and a place to build it, you have to have it certified airworthy, registered and insured.
There's a great many replicas out there, but as has been noted, they can easily approach a million (US) to purchase.

As an idea, several members on this forum build 1:1 scale replicas of WWII fighter cockpits, which might be a bit more affordable. Plus many airshows welcome the cockpit displays.
An L-bird would be an excellent way to get your feet wet in the warbird world. L-2, 3,4,5,17 or 21 are all good, lower cost projects. A 2 thru a 5 can be done for around the price of a new, medium equipped pick up truck, while a 17 or 21 will approach the cost of a new Suburban. All 6 of these birds will fly 5-10 hours or more than the fuel cost to fly something with a Merlin or big Pratt for a single hour.
Having worked on Storches, they are interesting airplanes, but have a few drawbacks.... They are slow....incredibly slow, an 85 horse Cub is faster....They are not heat tolerant, unless you have the tropical oil cooler, and I don't think any of them that fly these days have one. They take a larger hangar to store, unless you have several people to help you fold and unfold the wings. They do not like long taxis, as the wheels have bushings and not bearings, and the original brakes are marginal for hard surfaces. Easiest way to put it, if it's ballooning weather, then it's Storch time!

I would not buy one for speed. As a pilot and an A&P I think it would be enjoyable to fly, and to work on.
I would not buy one for speed. As a pilot and an A&P I think it would be enjoyable to fly, and to work on.
LOL...A friend flew on of them from the Fort Worth area where it was based, down to Harlingen one year for the big airshow and to winter it down there....His biggest complaint after the heat in the cockpit, was being passed by every VW beetle on the interstate he was following. Wes said he averaged about 51 mph for the trip down. He refused to fly it back in the spring. You know it's slow when a 48 hp, air cooled Bug can outrun you......

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