Is my username offensive

Is my username "SS Tiger" offensive to you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 94.4%

  • Total voters

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Erich said:
Why don't you just take off the SS and leave it as Tiger since this seems to be what you are trying to portray

The very reason the SS is on there is because the user name "Tiger" is almost always taken. Also I like to keep the user name the same so people know who I am from other WW2 forums. If an admin could change my user name to Tiger, I would have no problem with that.
Geez if anyone really finds that offensive image something a bit more controversial ?

Anyway this isnt a one way street . If that name should be banned so should KGB , Stasi etc etc . Hell lets even ban US Marine core , why , cause of what some of those soldiers did in Iraq , and probably other parts of the world too . I think this is political correctness gone mad . The war is over . Nazism died in 1945 .
You can't compare the Marines to the SS. This isn't about political correctness, it's about being sensitive to veterans who fought against the SS and got to see the camps, etc. The war is over, yes, but if you think Nazism is dead, you are naive.
I'm offended by that name... honest. No, honestly, I really am.

Why don't any of you believe me!?
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