Israel vs Hamas Conflict 2023

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We'll see, but the connection between Putin and Iran is exactly why I am thinking this. Its just all to perfectly coincidental.

The U.S. has already begun delivering critically needed munitions and military equipment to Israel, the White House said Monday, as the Pentagon reviews its inventories to see what else can be sent quickly to boost its ally in the three-day-old war with Hamas.

John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, confirmed Monday evening that the first batch of military aid in the wake of the violent assault by Hamas militants is "making its way" to Israel.

The delivery came as President Joe Biden prepared to give formal remarks on the attacks from the White House on Tuesday afternoon, after he confirmed that at least 11 Americans were killed in the violence over the weekend.

"We fully expect there will be additional requests for security assistance for Israel as they continue to expend munitions in this fight," Kirby said. "We will stay in lockstep with them, making sure that we're filling their needs as best we can and as fast as we can."

Do summary executions ever have moderating influence? If your brother was deemed by an invader as a terrorist and executed, would you feel moderated? If Hamas kills the Jewish hostages, does Israel feel moderated? No, everyone seeks retribution.
Did summary executions ever deter others from sleeping on guard duty? History is full of examples of that. If you have no means to resist, then an execution of a terrorist encourages others to not follow the example of their late associate. It isn't 100% effective but it is better than attempting to talk the terrorists to death.

It is 0% effective. It does nothing but fuel and drive further hatred.

Lets see some great examples of it having any worthwhile effect in deterring future terrorism. We are all waiting.

And no one is saying that actual terrorists should simply be talked to…
I think your kid's been on the PC again. Maybe get him to define which terrorists he's talking about: Israel or Hamas.
It is hard to believe the level of sophistry I'm hearing & reading about this. The level of barbarism that Hamas has not only exhibited but also recorded and broadcast on the internet to publicize their level of cruelty is unprecedented. That such behavior is not soundly and universally condemned is shameful.

Of course it's condemned. I sure think it's atrocious and would like to see them rounded up and prosecuted.

That doesn't, however, mean Israel gets a free pass to commit its own crimes. Criticizing Israel is not the same as supporting Hamas. That's an excluded-middle fallacy.
Let me say this for full disclosure…

Terrorists are scum. I place them on the same level as child rapists. I have no issues with killing them in combat, or executing those captured and found guilty in the court of law.

I draw the line with summary executions. Why? We are better than that. We are a civilized society that lives by the rule of justice and law. If we didn't we would be the same barbarian scum they are.

Additionally, summary executions do absolutely nothing. As A Admiral Beez pointed out. Terrorists are made, not born. There is always an event, condition, or teaching that radicalizes someone. Do you really think that 8 year old boy who just watched his father getting hung or shot against a wall is deterred from committing terrorism? No way! Get real! His heart is enraged, and the radical teachings he is hearing have been confirmed.

You want to stop terrorism? Start with fixing the root causes that breeds the hate.

Its a huge one that's been indoctrinated in peoples brains. Hate to say it…
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