Italeri Ju 52 Minesweeper.

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 6, 2005
North Delta BC
Built this kit over the past few months. Great kit all in all. Now that I'm back in semi hibernation mode for the winter I hope to spend more time building !

This was a great kit and fun to do. Painted with Testors Model Master enamel. RLM 70/71 over 65. I added a bit of white to each colour and touched up various areas to give the paint a little more depth. Considering how old this kit is I was worried the decals would be a disaster trying to settle in on the corrugated surface but with a bit of Solveset they sucked down real tight.
I love the paint and weathered, does not seem like 1/72, and the decals look good.

Es un extraño y bello ejemplar Graham, felicidades!!

Luis Carlos

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