Mr Erich
I asked you EVIDENCES to support the mud you throw at Rudel. You provided none. Only (according to your post) your opinion
So ,according to you, he is guilty of overclaiming until he proves otherwise. I say YOU, have to provide evidence that he is guilty Until then his airforce s opinion counts : 2530 missions , 519 + tanks ,1 battleship,1 cruisr,1 destroyer, 70 landing crafts, 9 air to air victories, hundrend of vehicles and artillery pieces. PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT ALL THESE ARE LIES AND I WILL ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE CORRECT AND I AM WRONG
On the previus pages Rydel was called by members of this forum a Nazi, a warrior of the dark etc
Have you read his memoirs? Do you know his views ? Yes, he remained faithful to his commander till the bitter end. WHY thats a shame for a soldier? Besides that, Hitler was very magnetic as a personality , he fooled millions, Rudel was just one more
Rudel in his book says that if the concentration camps were true, it was a bad thing. I dont agree with many of his views but to easily question his character is not appopriate.
Since i saw ZERO evidences of his "overclaiming" i will provide some evidence that support his story
a) Marat and the other battleships are beyond question. There are photos
b) There are photos with his anniversary missions( 500,1000,1500,2000) celebrations. Of course the dozens of people of his unit could be part of of a massive propaganda trick
c) He lost a leg, and flew again .THERE ARE PHOTOS climbing out of his Ju 87 minus his lower leg. Not bad for a liar
d) He landed 6 times behind enemy lines to save comrades from the soviets. That speaks for his caracter. During the 6th time was unable to take off agai and had to make his famous run behind enemy lines . YOU CANNOT DENY THAT EITHER . During the run his gunner was drowned
e) HE had the BALLS to fly the 250mph Ju87G in 1945in DAYLIGHT . IN 1945!!!! In the year of the supersonic P51s , P47s and La7s. Why would he do that if he was achieving nothing? He would fly these near suicidal missions because he was propagandas favorite boy?
f) There is video of his Ju 87G unit attacking the landing crafts in Crimea
g) Lipfert, Barkhorn, spoke with great admiration for him . Their unit II/JG52 flew many missions escorting Rudel s Stukas .
h) Land commanders were specifically asking his unit support
i) He crashed landed 30 times due ground fire, wounded several times . All very well documentet event
k) a very disciplined officer, an exceptional athlet , a non alcohol drinker .
l) He ignored many times orders to quite combat flying
Can i prove that all 519 tanks were total losses? No. Can i prove that some of the tanks were no repaired? No. Can i prove that did not make some mistakes in tank claiming?No. But i dont have to. The people that throw mud at him HAVE to prove that he overclaimed at over 50%
PS A member wrote that Rudel did not deserves honors because he fought for dark purposes and never admitted it
The soldiers of the american cavalry that murdered the Indian women and children in dozens of thousands , during 19th century , were serving a holy , blessed purpose? However they are considered heroes , in our days by their country men