Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!

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UPDATE: That garage band I was messing with were a bunch of drunks. We auditioned a drummer and the bass player and one guitar player got sh!t-faced BEFORE we even played. I quit. Then the other guitar player quit and said lets get a new band. Which we have done!!! New band has been jamming for about 3 weeks and auditioning a bass player next week. But I finally am with a bunch of guys my age who want to play and have fun - seriously!

These are the songs so far:

Gimmie 3 Steps = Lynryd Skynyrd
Wishlist = Pearl Jam
Playing With the Band = Grateful Dead
Wonderwall = Oasis
Island in the Sun = Weezer
Lucky Man = ELP
Mary jane's Last Dance = Tom Petty
Seagull = Bad Company
Feel Like Makin' Love = Bad Company
Voices = Alice in Chains
Outside = Staind

Lots of fun and everybody on the same track. I'll keep you guys updated on tours dates and cities.
UPDATE: So that band from a few weeks ago blew up! Guitarist was an egotistical maniac. I quit. Such are a musicians life.

But get this.

A bunch of guys I played with 30 years ago got together for a reunion. A bunch of us gathered and it was cool seeing old friends (hence the pics on my Facebook page last Saturday) including the rhythm guitarist from Shayds of Gray. One of the guys that showed was the lead guitarist from Shayds of Gray. He invited me to a club that night and while there the drummer from Shayds came in. We talked yada yada and it appears that the girl singer who replaced me has a medical problem and the band might break up. They want to work with me again. We are getting together again tomorrow night.

Who knows.
Don't let them ditch you again....
And the dream continues........................

Tonight I audition with a band who remembers me singing from 30 years ago. But their song list looks like its Southern rock which is.....ok. I want to do something more contemporary but thats ok - we'll see.

and............... my original metal-hair band from 30 years ago are planning a 30 yr celebration concert this summer. We will start practice soon.
I'm back and all is good. The song list was Southern Rock because........ they didn't have a singer to do the tough stuff! WE were doing Cream, Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Alice in Chains, etc. Loved it! Looks like I have a band again.

Oh and all you guitar heads will love the place we practice. The guitar player fixes guitars and he has about 100 of them all over the walls. Strats, Telecasters, SGs, etc. Along with about 20 Marshall and Fender amps. Awesome. Will get pics soon!
Sorry I couldn't be more hospitable but D.C. is great!

Ah well, I have used your hospitality for 2 years. No wonder you are tied of me

Do you know any members near Washington? Maybe they can help me find a hotel which is not too expensive, but safe. Will only have to stay there for 2 nights.

btw. Red Beat is alive again as well. Our singer/bassguitar player quit last year. But we have a new bass player, an extra guitarist and a new singer, last one being.... me!

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