Ki-44 Manual

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Aug 21, 2006
Here are some pictures from the manual of a Ki-44 dug up and provided by both sagindragin and Shinpachi. Many thanks guys!!!!!


  • Ki-44 manual.pdf
    11.3 MB · Views: 1,476
  • ki44-2.jpg
    21.4 KB · Views: 1,072
Thanks for creating PDF's of these and posting them...I have some of the Japanese manuals you have posted, but I have no time to get them together...thanks alot. After I posted the first manual that was "all in Japanese" I realized that some work needed to be done before putting them up here.
Here are some pictures from the manual of a Ki-44 dug up and provided by both sagindragin and Shinpachi. Many thanks guys!!!!!
JFYI this manual, and many others, was discovered in the Japanese archives by Skyraider3D during hours of digging for aviation related materials, and passed on the link to sagindragin. He would've posted the manual here himself (along with over 40 others), if it wasn't for the fact that flyboyj found it necessary to verbally abuse and then ban him over a copyright dispute.

The original manual is in DJVU format, has 140 pages and is only 8mb. However the PDF version contains most illustrations, but isn't of better quality or anything despite the larger size.

The DJVU plugin can be downloaded freely, here:
JFYI this manual, and many others, was discovered in the Japanese archives by Skyraider3D during hours of digging for aviation related materials, and passed on the link to sagindragin. He would've posted the manual here himself (along with over 40 others), if it wasn't for the fact that flyboyj found it necessary to verbally abuse and then ban him over a copyright dispute.

The original manual is in DJVU format, has 140 pages and is only 8mb. However the PDF version contains most illustrations, but isn't of better quality or anything despite the larger size.

The DJVU plugin can be downloaded freely, here: Celartem Technology | Downloads : DjVu Viewer Plug-in

Yea I banned his stupid @ss and I'll do it again to him or any one else who brings up their moronic copyright bitches on material they really do not have copyrights for, and if they did WHY THE F#CK ARE THEY POSING IT ON THE INTERNET!!!!! - with that said, you're getting a dunce cap and going away for awhile @sshole. And if you do decide to come back after your visit into cyber space, be very aware that I will permanently ban you and any one else who comes up with bullsh!t copyright crap on this site!

The verbal abuse is free, feel privileged dipsh!t!
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Being a copyright holder myself of works that *I* have created, I get very annoyed when someone else claims copyrights to works that are not theirs. Anyone who raises a stink about claiming copyrights to someone else's work is an idiot. It is wrong, and as far as I am concerned, theft.
I just downloaded this and I've got 37 pages that are blank.... as white as my wintered skin! Can someone upload the Ki-44 manual again? Thanks!
Sugoi!!(Amazing!!) lovely , simply lovely, one of my most favorite HIMJA aircraft (for some reason, it looks nicer than the later Hayate Ki-84) the swift quellor of demons Ki-44 :D
Cheers Micdrow, Shinpachi, Sagindragin etc.
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I'd welcome the details about the engine :)

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