Killer or...

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i must say i chucckled at the typically russian comment "Zaitsev himself had never seen a rifle with a telescopic sight until he was in the midst of the battle."
A well trained sniper is the best soldier on the battlefield.Zaitzev was a hero a man who killed to defend his country, a man who deserves all our respect.The Finns have snipers with higher kill counts than even the russians.I hear the Canadian snipers are out doing all the other forces in Afganistan .
Zaitzevs' kills have been questioned before, and will always be in question... However, that doesnt counter the fact that they guy was an excellent sniper...

Ive had some sniper training and some Operational experience, and I have nothing but the utmost regard for any qualified sniper... Great bunch of guys... Stephen T. is a Jarhead buddy of mine from back in the day, and he earned alot more than 6 credited/confirmed kills in Somalia, and dont rule out Medal of Honor recipients Gordon and Shughart, who probably killed over 60 Somalian scumbags before succoming...

Very serious group of guys, I can tell u that truthfully...


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Some silly s*d wanted to send me on a sniper course at one point. Not ruddy likely! Too much like hard work.
I rather enjoyed it, but it was not what Uncle Sam wanted me doin on Ops... Some Senior Chief actually said that the US Navy spent too much $$$ training me in Electronics and CCQ to throw it away and crawl on my belly....

Atleast it wasnt cause I was a crappy shot...

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