Korean Problems

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 29, 2006
Phila, Pa
Not sure if anyone is paying attention but Korea is not looking very good right now. However, I don't think there is all that much accurate information flying around. Is South Korea mobilizing? I don't think so but can't seem to get a good line on it.

Anybody have any good info on what is going on?
Let's hope so. Most recent development is the cutting of diplomatic ties. Not really an unusual thing given their history.
Full up US/SK excercise is underway. SK President has revised rules of engagement. NK claims they are going to shell positions on the DMZ. USS Enterpirise to enter Korean waters. God forbid a NK diesel/AIP sub put a fish into a US vessel.

Scary stuff.
...and for all of their past transgressions too.

This story pisses me off evertime I think about it. It was the subject of a PBS documentary.

Axe murder incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The axe murder incident (Korean: 판문점 도끼 살인 사건) was the killing of two United States Army officers by North Korean soldiers on August 18, 1976, in the Joint Security Area (JSA) located in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) which forms the de facto border between North and South Korea. The killings and the response three days later (Operation Paul Bunyan) heightened tensions between North and South Korea as well as their respective allies, the People's Republic of China and the United States.

The incident is also known as the hatchet incident and the poplar tree incident because the object of the conflict was a poplar tree standing in the JSA."
NKs seem to be getting more desperate of late. Could be stresses in the society, could be change of power coming up. But pumping a torpedo into the side of a patroling warship without obvious provication or warning is not gonna make you any friends out in the world.

I've heard the DMZ is pretty serious even now. Not so much for US Troops but definitely for the SKs.

But, all in all, I think PB has it nailed. Not much is going to happen unless the NKs go over the DMZ. And that isn't going to happen (if history is any judge, once is probably enough).
NK is amazing. They torpedo a military vessel, they did it, everyone knows they did it, and then scream "How dare you blame us?" I can just see them stomping their feet and holding their breath.

Kinda sounds like (self edited because of political tirade).

I'm hoping PB is right.
Why would that change anything?

USS Pueblo - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Pueblo_(AGER-2)
The North Korean vessels attempted to board Pueblo, but she maneuvered to prevent this for over two hours and a sub chaser opened fire with a 57 mm cannon, killing one member of the crew

As much as China has it's hands in the U.S.'s pockets, I seriously doubt they'll back NK this time around, if they drop over the 32nd parallel...just a hunch, there...

But I do believe that NK has been "saber rattling" a little too much lately, like a spoiled angry child looking for attention, and they may end up painting themselves into a corner when they don't get the attention they were looking for and end up having to actually do something to save face.

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