Lancaster Moving To Edmonton

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Good stuff Cory. Might be something to keep you busy.

If I recall correctly, the airframe was in pretty bad shape. Hope it doesn't shake itself to pieces if they run engines in it.
They're probably peeved then. Having both of them would have been pretty big for them. Although maybe they wanted to restore it to wartime specs, and Edmunston didn't want that to happen? Who knows. I didn't realize that it was that in demand. Won't complain! I think there are plans to expand the current museum as well, I think by taking over a neighboring hangar and moving the restoration into there, which would free up a lot of room in the current hangar, not quite doubling the space.

EDIT: I also saw one comment (so I don't know if this is a common sentiment) about someone not thinking it's fair to Nanton for us to get one here. Do you know what the thoughts are Andy? Seems a little odd to me.
Hadn't heard that Cory but I'll let you know. I didn't make it down there Tuesday talk to the guys but I'd be surprised there are any bad feelings about it.

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