Los Angeles County Homicides Blog

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
This is one interesting blog I found on the LA Times.

Someone is actually taking the time to take the weekly LA County Coroners homicide report and mapping the victims to an address where they died, as well as trying to get pictures and stories of the victims.

Los Angeles Times: The Homicide Blog

So many gang killings...... and many of them at night time. Somehow, I suspect that anyone who is up at 2:00AM loitering in the streets with "friends" or sitting in a car, is up to no good.
Thats cheered me up I was thinking of going there next year to see the Camarillo air show and take in some sights, but I had something else in mind rather than turf war shoot outs.
Thats cheered me up I was thinking of going there next year to see the Camarillo air show and take in some sights, but I had something else in mind rather than turf war shoot outs.

You don't have to stay in LA county, Lee. Besides that, Camarillo is in Ventura County. I'm sure Joe can tell you, there are parts of LA that are ok and there are parts that you definitely avoid. The good news is that you have someone here that can tell you the places to avoid to stay away from that crap.

While Camarillo is a nice show and I am sure you would enjoy it, Chino is the show not to miss, in May.
Read a letter to the editor from a Phila cop in the Phila Inquirer a little ways back. He said every Monday morning, he and the local police agencies would get together and discuss the shootings. Couple of things of note. Usually, the same names came up again and again. And most of these guys were shot multiple times.

Just a little FYI.
Thats cheered me up I was thinking of going there next year to see the Camarillo air show and take in some sights, but I had something else in mind rather than turf war shoot outs.

A majority of murders occur in a just a few zip codes, and usually its after midnight.

Trackend, you have to put things in perspective.....LA County is almost as big as southern England.
Sys and Eric both have it right - a lot of the crime is limited to specific areas. Camarillo, Ventura, Irvine and Tustin (to name a few) are nice. The key is to stay away from the places shown on that report, especially at night. Also I would be very non-confrontational on the roads as there too has been numerous road rage shootings. In my old neck of the woods, Highway 138 was being widened. People were so enraged over the delays due to the construction they began taking pot shots at the workers. Cal Trans just closed the whole highway until it is completed.
What kills me is the reaction to the Police. There's bitchin when they pull someone over for broken tailgates (as in one of the blogs) and then scream when they're not there to stop the murders. Its crazy!

Philly is getting bad in places. On pace to record the most murders in a decade. Very select areas I go to anymore.

I hate to say this as I'm in no way a racists but its a culture of violence that they feed upon. The neighborhood pushes that you don't snitch and when something happens, they clam up. And then complain the Police aren't doing anything. You should hear the cries in the Philadelphia Mayor's race where one of the canidates suggested "Stop and Frisk". What an uproar.

I work with alot of Police and they're frustrated with how they're percieved and cautious when doing their job. Doesn't help reduce crime.

You can thank hip-hop culture for perpetuating that kind of behavoir. How many of those songs or rappers promote opportunities to go to school, get a good education, work hard, save, and make a better life for you and your children???
And the only cure is a trip to Chino, right? See, you're getting the hang of it. I remember sitting in a meeting in the boss' office when the Collings Foundation birds arrived earlier this year. My boss saw me rubbernecking out the window, looked himself and said "I guess I know where you'll be at lunchtime.". How right he was!
The main reason why I choose to never live in a big city and why I have no desire to go to the **** hole of LA.

Gangs are the bad side of LA... I mean, all the street gangs thing started there. And now there is street gangs all over the planet. (Or at least, all over North America.)

Good sides of LA :

- Sunny.
- Warm.
- Nice beaches.
- Cute girls who wear things that defy gravity.

Bad sides of LA :

- Street gangs.
- The most corrupted police department in North America. (I read that somewhere.)
- Home of six inches wide spyders.
- Got an ex-actor as leader of the State.
Most corrupt police department in North America? Where did you read that? And for the record, I have lived in California for 20 years now and have yet to see a spider than big. The biggest spider I ever saw was in the Middle East.

I think you will find street gangs have existed in most major US cities for a number of years. It's like anywhere other large city, there are good and bad neighborhoods.

Other nice things about LA, entertainment! Great shows, concerts and they make movies here. There are a ton of things to do and see in LA. Plus, where else but LA can you give a big star the finger! Yes, I have done that! I won't say who, but the dumbass stepped right in front of my car and I had to slam on the brakes. I gave him the finger after he gave that look like "You have to stop for me, I'm a star".
Most corrupt police department in North America? Where did you read that?

I don't remember where I read it... I just remember reading that the LAPD was the most corrupted police department in North America.

And for the record, I have lived in California for 20 years now and have yet to see a spider than big. The biggest spider I ever saw was in the Middle East.

I know, I was exagerating a bit... because I hate spyder. But come on, you have to admit that you've got some pretty big spyders down in California.

I think you will find street gangs have existed in most major US cities for a number of years. It's like anywhere other large city, there are good and bad neighborhoods.

I know, I was refering to "street gangs" as we currently know them. It all started in LA a few years back. But of course, there was "older gangs" like the Italian Mafia who were mostly on the East coast (Chicago being the most famous Mafia city).

I hope for you it wasn't Arnold Shwartzeneger... It could have got nasty.
I don't remember where I read it... I just remember reading that the LAPD was the most corrupted police department in North America.
There were several officers indicted for corruption about 15 years ago for shaking down gangs. There were also officers convicted of violating people's rights, excessive force, and tampering with evidence. All in all, the LAPD is no more corrupt than any large North American police department, just more in the lime light.

I know, I was refering to "street gangs" as we currently know them. It all started in LA a few years back. But of course, there was "older gangs" like the Italian Mafia who were mostly on the East coast (Chicago being the most famous Mafia city).
The street gangs of today cannot be compared to the "mafia" of many years ago. The street gangs today want noterity, respect and make their presence known. The old mafia was stealthy, low key and avoided the limelight. The old mafia was run more like a business. Gang bangers today think they fit the same mold, but they are nothing more than uneducated lowlifes.

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