Luftwaffe Decals.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I'm looking at the viability of having some Luftwaffe decals professionally printed. Having searched around the various manufacturer's and model outlet web-sites, I found that certain types of Luftwaffe decals are hard to find, expensive, or non-existant. This is particularly true of, for example, the coloured numbers used on fighter aircraft, and code letters for bombers etc, most of which were available at one time from Microscale and now, sadly, discontinued. Yes, some numbers are avialable, from companies such as Peddinghaus, but they seem to be in styles and colours which are mainly late war period, and not particularly typical of 'generic' Luftwaffe number styles/colours.
My idea is to have two or three sheets designed and printed, in 1/48th and 1/32nd scales (1/72nd seems reasonably well served commercially), which will have the 'standard' numbers in white, black, red and yellow, with the appropriate outlines, and possibly some coloured Staffel letters for bombers etc.(black numbers/letters I can print off the PC). It would also be helpful to have a selection of unit badges produced in the above scales, maybe a sheet (or two) for Jagdgeschwader, and another for Kampf and Stuka Geschwader.
Initial enquiries via a local contact seem encouraging, and given that I am able to provide the basic artwork, this will keep production costs lower. My contact is looking at the availability, and costs, of the relevant decal papers for litho use, in small order quantities at trade prices, as opposed to the 'high street' prices of ink jet and laser decal papers and, given that these can be obtained at the right price, we think we can produce limited runs at reasonable cost. I'm aiming at a cost price of somewhere between £1 and £3 per sheet, possibly a lot less, in A4 size, and of course this can't be confirmed until all the facts are known.
Obviously there will be a minimum print run to make it worthwhile, and there will be too many for my needs. So, the question is, are any of you interested in this if it is possible to achieve and, if so, have you any ideas on what you'd like to see included on the sheets. for example, a specific unit badge, Werk Nummer lettering and numbers etc etc.? If you do have an interest/requirement, then these would be supplied at cost, plus carriage charge (which should be minimal worldwide) .
I'd be interested to hear your views/comments.
I'd certainly be interested. If you'd like Terry, I can help make up the sheets as well. Personally, I'd like to see a sheet with just some generic Werk Nummer Nummers on it so we can make a few of our own. Otherwise what you said sounds good to me. Also, you're right about some of the unit badges, some of those would be nice. I'd have to sit down and see which ones would be best (for me anyway) though.
Thanks Cory, all input is welcome. As for Werk Nummers, these are easily printed on clear inkjet or laser decal paper, but a selection of numbers, and the 'W.Nr.' lettering would be useful additions as an 'extra' on a sheet(s).
EDIT: We must have posted at the same time Karl. Thanks mate, the more responses the better. If I can get the right deal for a 'trial run', then I'll have some basic stuff done and go from there.
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I'm..... 1/72nd seems reasonably well served commercially........ <snip>
I'd be interested to hear your views/comments.

I've had a real struggle finding those numbers in 1/72 scale, so if you have a source let me know. The only manufacturer that I know that still has are FCM and finding a local distributor for those is a nightmare.

So count me as at least one voice that would definitely be interested in a 1:72 set.
Yep, that's what I've been doing up until now Andy, but as mentioned, obtaining just numbers seems very difficult these days. Some can be produced on the PC, onto clear inkjet/laser decal paper, but the density, depending on colour, can be seriously affected by the colour the decal is transferred onto. And, of course, any white areas, such as an outline, or a white number/letter, can't be made at all, hence the reason for investigating the viability of having some printed.
Of course, until all the info is gathered, I don't know if it will be viable; it could prove prohibitively expensensive for a short-run production of, say, 50 to 100 sheets.

I'm with Dwight!!!

IMO we're not too well served at all in this regard in 1:72 - most companies seem to favour aircraft coded 'Gelben or Weissen 1, 9, or 10'...if you can do a sheet of numbers in 1:72 Terry, count me in aswell!
The idea sounds very good. Maybe we should think about WW2 Aircraft net decal set for all scales. I mean 1/24, 1/32, 1/48, 1/72, and 1/144.
That could possibly work out as an advantage. If there is a minimum print-run requirement of, say, 100 sheets, and it's possible to mix these in the scales, then it might be more cost effective. It depends on which way the printer goes from origination to press. Of course, it could be possible to plan the sheets to include, for example, 1/72nd scale and 1/48th scale on one sheet, and 1/32nd and 1/24th on one sheet, or a similar 'mix'. I'm not too sure about 1/144th, due to the resolution required, being available at an acceptable cost price, especially if demand is relatively low compared to other scales.
In theory, the whole thing is a relatively simple undertaking and, if these were being produced for commercial sale, it could be done quite easily. But that's not the aim, for various reasons, not least being advertising and marketing costs, which would negate the original concept.
The different scales would also mean different package 'sizes', as a very reasonable number of numerical digits can be printed onto a single sheet for 1/72nd scale, wheras 1/32nd scale would require two sheets at least in order to provide a similar quantity. It all boils down to the final cost per unit, and, of course, the initial financial outlay on my part. But, given there's enough interest, and the price is right, if a small trial run can be completed then that will be good.
If it's possible to provide, for example, a 1/48th scale sheet carrying two colours of numbers, with around four of each digit, which would cost, say £2.50 plus shipping, then I feel that's a very good price, in comparison with commercially available aftermarket decal sheets, where the average price is around £5 to £6 for similar letter/number sheets, and very often more. (Example: RAF 24 inch Sky code letters, 1/32nd scale @ £7.99 plus shipping).
Keep the feedback and ideas coming, and meanwhile I'll continue with the investigation study.
Well, if it goes ahead Terry, and depending on production cost, I think there is a definite need for the 'rarer' types - Russian theatre Blue/ white outline and Light Yellow markings, Desert Back/ Red outline markings, and Brown codes, for example...
Well, if it goes ahead Terry, and depending on production cost, I think there is a definite need for the 'rarer' types - Russian theatre Blue/ white outline and Light Yellow markings, Desert Back/ Red outline markings, and Brown codes, for example...

Heck even the more common code styles are tough to get.
Thanks all, and thanks Guttorm for the effort - it would be nice if they could do something!
Evan, I found the late war colours ajnd styles such as the blues and browns, without a problem, at Peddinghaus. It's the 'normal' stuff I'm aiming for, used right through WW2, such as yellow outlined in black, red and black outlined in white, rounded and 'square' styles etc.


The only way I have been able buy Peddinghaus decals is thru a distributor and there are VERY few of those. Trying to buy directly from the Peddinghaus site has simply NOT worked for me - don't know why but it simply fails.
Yep, I found that Dwight, when I e-mailed them for some info. The message failed to send. I've seen adverts for them in UK magazines too, but how you get their stuff is another story !!

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