Luftwaffe Decals.

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Yep, I found that Dwight, when I e-mailed them for some info. The message failed to send. I've seen adverts for them in UK magazines too, but how you get their stuff is another story !!

I've exchanged emails with Ernst and he says they accept paypal but I can NOT get it to work. He doesn't accept credit cards, personal checks and I am sure not sending cash overseas. :lol:

The only store I've found that carries them is Great Models and even then they don't have most of what is available unless you are interested in armor.

Sending you a pm. :)

I'd be interested in some 72 scale too.

I've also got a sellers account on ebid which may be useful for selling some on, i could arrange for all payments to be sent to you or paid to you via paypal and you send them to the buyers.

Thanks guys. Dwight has PM'd me with some other ideas, and all is being looked at. Once I've got a better idea of 'what's what', I should be able to take things further.
Casting my ballot -

Letters and numerals in the major Gruppe/staffel colors - YES
Mix of scale on one sheet, i.e., 1/24 1/48 - YES

Great idea!!!!
There is a place in Mexico that makes decals commercially called Zotz. They have just recently released the much looked for decals for P-61 in 48 scale but I believe the have tons of different decals. I'll take a look and post what I find here. By the way, here is a sample of the P-61 decals that have just been sent out.


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It would be great if you can find some NFN. I've serached literally every known maker/supplier/outlet, old and new, and have found very little. As mentioned, when Microscale were still going as a supplier, instead of just printing for other companies, Luftwaffe letters, numbers, insignia, badges, crosses etc were available, and I still have some part sheets of unit badges and letters. But standard numerals are as rare as rocking horse poo!
Here are a couple I've got so people can see some styles, will send you the bigger scans Terry. These are 1/48 , the Cutting Edge are no longer available but you may find them somehere?

ITallyho have a set of Coloured Numbers...

Tally Ho Decals main page


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Thanks Wayne. It appears Tally Ho might have gone out of business also. Hannant's have been unable to re-order stocks, and haven't received replies to their e-mails, and they are probably their biggest customer!
if so, have you any ideas on what you'd like to see included on the sheets. for example, a specific unit badge, Werk Nummer lettering and numbers etc etc. I'd be interested to hear your views/comments.

A selection of chevrons would be welcome as per Wayne's sheet. I think there is a big gap in the market for some JG 2 machines - aside from Wick and Hahn I don't recall many other machines being covered. There are some great pics/artwork in the Mombeeck JG 2 books that are crying out to be covered on a decal sheet...especially some of the Jabo types..
More good input, thanks. At the moment, I'm only looking at simple, straightforward stuff, mainly numbers, winkels etc., and probably some unit badges. At this stage I'll leave the individual aircraft sheets to the big boys.
With individual numbers, winkles/bars and unit badges, it will be possible to make up whatever particular marking is required, and stencils, Werk Nr etc can be obtained commercially, or easily printed off a PC onto inkjet/laser decal paper.
It must be remembered that this is not a commercial operation, but an attempt to obtain something which is difficult or impossible to get from normal sources - ordinary Luftwaffe numbers. Although specific aircraft markings sheets would be nice, it's way beyond my means financially and logistically, just as the lack of these from commercial outlets is probably for the same reason - relatively low demand/sales in comparison with investment and required minimum order quantities.
Good points Terry, get the first sorted before spreading the field. Be interesting to see a possible future sheet though of tactical, kill, and bomber mission markings , aswell as rank pennants and winkels, from each of the main combatants.
I checked Zotz and found he mostly makes US plane decals however I've sent the contact person an email informing him of the current world lack of Luftwaffe decals. I'll let you know what he writes back. On another note. I was just at a Hobby Lobby store this evening and found they are carring software and sheets for making your own decals from a color lazer printer. I think it was like $15 U.S. for the software and I forget how much the decal paper was but it was about half that I think. Something I think may look interesting is Zotz is doing decals of roundels of the world. Here is a sample of what I found


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That's great work NFN ! If they go to the trouble of producing relatively obscure markings like that, now that they've been informed of a global market for Luftwaffe stuff, hopefully they'll jump in!
The kits and software for producing your own are debatable as to their value - the materials are avilable from most modelling outlets, or from computer consumables suppliers. The problem still remains, not having the ability to print white onto clear decal film, unless you have an ALPS printer.
I'll continue with the feasability study, but if Zot's get back to you with a positive response, then it might be worthwhile waiting, to see what they produce.
Thanks NFN! Yep, since posting, found the code letters at Squadron myself, but they're sold out (along with most other Luftwaffe related decals). Hope they get new ones in stock.
Thanks NFN! Yep, since posting, found the code letters at Squadron myself, but they're sold out (along with most other Luftwaffe related decals). Hope they get new ones in stock.

Those are the black TallyHo letters and TallyHo seems to be out of business.
The owner of Zotz replied that he doesn't do Luftwaffe decals like Tally Ho did. He's still relatively new to the decal business. Perhaps if members of our forum did a writing campaign, we could convince him to give it a go. Like most businesses there has to be a strong enough demand to get manufacturers to make what you want. This is accomplished two ways, upwards driven demand and downward driven. Downward driven demand would be the owners starting up with a new product and getting their distributers to push out orders. This would work if we could convince an owner of a market potential. Upward is regular customers creating a demand through the distributers that draws notice from manufacturers. To put it plainly, we need to organize a significant demand through distributers to change the habbits of the manufacturers. :) Easier said than done. If we want to do this we need to figure out exactly what we want in decals. What do you guys think?

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