Luftwaffe Decals.

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Hm, strange Terry. The link works fine when I check it. Anyway, here's the Print Screen version of that page...


  • untitled.jpg
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I produce my own decals, and thought you might appreciate a bit of input.

First thing to be aware of is that every colour on a screen-printed sheet demands its own film/screen/ink mix, so effectively a 4-colour job is about four times the cost of a single-colour sheet. Even a little tiny unit badge in 1/72 scale that has 6 different colors in it will increase the cost of the sheet six-fold, so the secret is to put items on a sheet that have as many common colours as possible. Bear in mind that most decals will require white as a base coat and the carrier film is also its own colour, so a simple 'one-colour' set of yellow numerals is already a 3-colour print-run.

Most screen-print companies require a minimum quantity of 200-250 sets, although I've had runs of 100 sheets printed (but the unit cost goes up).

From a commercial viewpoint I've found 'generic' sets sell very slowly compared to specific aircraft – as modellers I guess some of us are lazy and want a one-stop solution for or aircraft markings. I can't speak for the European market as much, but here in N. America 1/48 stuff sells about 4 times faster than its 1/72 counterpart.
Thanks for the input. Before I retired due to disability, I was a technical specialist rep, first in professional and audio-visual photography, then in graphic arts (printing and PCB industry) with a major multi-national photographic manufacturer, so the origination, separations and printing processes are very familiar. I agree about the market being more atuned to specifics, and also about the minimum print-run quantities most print houses require. However, I might be making some headway with a company who are considering my suggestions, and am busy doing some market research for them at present. Soon as I know more from them, and another two contacts, I'll shout!

I'm planning to build an HE111 which crashed near Cley in Norfolk UK on 19th June 1940. It was 8747 5J+DM from StabII/KG4. I have pieces of it which I bought on ebay. I'd really like to have decals covering that. The guy who sold the pieces sold quite a few different lots over a few weeks so I'm imagining that there could be others in the same boat as me. I haven't decided which scale to build it in yet, but am obviously tempted by the Revell 1/32 offering. I have in mind an airborne (ceiling borne) diaroma with the big HE111 at the front. Around it a 1/24 Spitfire and Me109 (although annoyingly the Cley HE111 was shot down by a Bleinheim) and behind it smaller scale HE111s and escorting Luftawffe fighters and harrying RAF ones. But then I'm a dreamer! Either way I'd shell out for a 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 set of Luftwaffe markings to give myself flexibility. My preference (apart from the Cley Heinkel) would be for Battle of Britain era codes and markings
The info I found via the net.....

StabII./KG4 Heinkel He111H-4 (8747). Shot down by F/Lt R.M.B. Duke-Woolley of No.23 Squadron during night sortie to attack Honington and Mildenhall airfields and ditched off-shore at The Hood, Cley next the Sea, Norfolk 12.50 a.m. BO Major Dietrich Fr von Massenbach (Gruppenkommandeur), FF Oberlt Ulrich Jordan (Gruppe TO), and BF Oberfw Max Leimer all captured unhurt, BM Fw Karl Amberger captured badly wounded. Aircraft 5J+DM 100% write-off.
Due to the severity of his wounds, Karl Amberger was repatriated to Germany in 1943. The wreck remained in situ until 1969 when it was deemed a hazard to navigation and blown up.
Just a quick question, does anyone have the necessary artwork? I have decal printing software and decal carrier films for inkjet printers. From what I have heard the decals MUST be sealed with a clear coat before using or the ink degrades. I have no idea of the quality etc, bought the whole unopened kit on a lark at a yardsale. The software loaded and appears to work so I would be willing to give it a go if anyone has the artwork.

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