Macchi M-5 from HpH kit in 1:32

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Going on, slowly!
some work on the engine, still to be finished and wood grain on fuselage.
Next step: white paint on the keel.


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Many thanks for the nice comment.
Wood grain has been done as usual with oil colours applied pure with a sponge. I did that yesterday and it's already dry. I will let it to dry further for a couple more days and I will start masking in order to paint white colour according to the following scheme:
One more step forward, painted the white areas on the hull.


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After one year I decided to progress this model that was sleeping in my cabinet.
Here following some pictures of the finished engine and some other stuff.
Lower side of wings got a first coat of Italian national colours.


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One of the next stages to build my Macchi will require ovoid shaped struts, see enclosed and I learned from a friend that CONTRAIL made those struts in the past, any idea where I could find them? Or any suggestion on how could I make them?
Thanks in advance

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