Maestro's 1/48 buildings. (1 Viewer)

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I've been looking for information on this building also for a VERY long time. Thank you for sharing them with us. I've been wondering if you have the plans for a Airfield Maintenance Building and a Flight Officers Hut? I am also in the process of building a RAF Airfield diorama, but only in 1:72 scale of course! Ons thing that I struggle to get hold of is "accessories". In South Africa the hobby shops don't cater for things like this, only in 1:35 scale.
It works fine with me... You need Adobe Reader to open them.

Did you ever finish your diorma ....I'd like to see some photos as I am considering doing one for my 1/48 collection and dowloaded the buildings you so kindly made available. If you print these off on 81/2 by 11 are they still to scale?
Did you ever finish your diorma ....I'd like to see some photos as I am considering doing one for my 1/48 collection and dowloaded the buildings you so kindly made available. If you print these off on 81/2 by 11 are they still to scale?

No... My diorama is a long-term project that I haven't completed yet. First I need to clear up a room then find a table big enough to fit.

You can print them on paper of any dimention and they'll still be to scale. What matters is the dimentions written on the plan. If you respect those numbers, everything will be fine.
Only just spotted this thread Yan. If you need some more info in the future, let me know. I have some (small) drawings of most RAF buildings, including 'temporary' types such as Nissen and Maycrete huts, and 'T2' hangars etc. Although small, each one has the actual (full size) dimensions provided, so re-scaling is simple.
No problem Andy. Send me a PM with an e-mail address, and once I get 'Windows Hotmail' to start bl**dy working again, I'll scan them and send them to you.

Interresting... I would be interrested to see them. Feel free to post them here.
Hi all, can anybody tell me the name of the computer game used in the overhead base screenshot on this thread please?
Thanks, Paul
Interesting (revived) thread! Hadn't noticed this one before!

My grandmother worked signals, communicating with the outbound/ inbound bombers from the control tower. I don't remember the bases she was at unfortunately, but she told me the hangars often had earth and grass laid over to look like hills. They even grazed sheep on them to complete the effect!

Anyone else heard of this, or can tell how common this practice was?
That's partly correct Evan. On those stations which had 'blister' hangars, for fighters, they often had grass layed on top. Not sure about the sheep though - although dummy sheep and cows were know to be used on some factory sites and similar establishments, and of course, it was fairly common to have hedgerows painted across airfields, and hard runways painted in camouflage patterns also.
Many bomber stations, although having most buildings painted in camouflage colours, had their 'T2' hangars (steel framed, steel clad) painted overall black - must have stood out like a dog's danglies!
'Permanent' hangars, and very often 'T2' type as well, were also camouflage painted in general.
Beauty, cheers for that Terry!
She may have been referring to dummy sheep, I don't remember (I was 12 when she told me). She is still around (at 92) but dosen't like to talk about her wartime experiences any more, so can't ask her unortunately. Wish I could remember where she was based.

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