Not quite, Germany sold exactly the same technology to NATO partners. In the meantime the US took over the German U-boot shipyard to get that technology and they are not forwarding the latest technology to e.g. Greece. However Singapore received top notch F-15's including AIM 120's and they are demanding the same for their current F-35 involvment.
And do you seriously think that the "English Cousins" will ever pose negativley or develop to be a threat towards the USA ?
It is indeed a conceived US policy to whom to give what, unlike European ventures where off course all involved partners share the same knowhow.
So my Australian friends, don't hesitate and buy those Eurofighters and Leo 2A6.
Not quite, Germany sold exactly the same technology to NATO partners. In the meantime the US took over the German U-boot shipyard to get that technology and they are not forwarding the latest technology to e.g. Greece. However Singapore received top notch F-15's including AIM 120's and they are demanding the same for their current F-35 involvment.
And do you seriously think that the "English Cousins" will ever pose negativley or develop to be a threat towards the USA ?
It is indeed a conceived US policy to whom to give what, unlike European ventures where off course all involved partners share the same knowhow.
So my Australian friends, don't hesitate and buy those Eurofighters and Leo 2A6.