Senior Master Sergeant
Tanks will never be out dated. It is the same thing as the F4s being produced without a machinegun because missles had made traditional dog fights obsolete. Technology is always changing. The advantage is always changing between armour, firepower, mobility, and anti-tank weapons. Once the armour is improved, work is started designing better weapons to defeat it. Once the weapons are designed, new armour is developed to counter it. The new armour results in increased weight that leads to the design of new power plants. A never ending cycle.
The deployment and tatics of armour will change but they never will go away. Through out the history of armour, people have said that the tanks are no longer useful. At times, governments have gone with the smaller tanks to save money. No matter how the wheel get reinvented one fact remains, nothing can move and strike like an armour force. The best tank killer has always been the main battle tank. The small tanks cannot withstand the attack of the MBTs. Yes they are big, dirty and loud and so are it's crew. The engines drink as much fuel as the crew drinks beer. The MBT was not made for todays LIC (light intensity conflicts) but there are plans to modify the MBT for urban operations. The bee hive and HEP rounds are making a come back (bee hive 120mm flechette round, HEP high explosive plastic). The Ordance and Armour Corps has been developing counter measures since the 90s for laser guided missles. There is a projection system now being field tested to mask both the visual and thermal signature. An IFF system is in place and there is an IF supression system. How can a tank be safe on the battle field? How safe is anyone?
clank, clank, clank, clank
The deployment and tatics of armour will change but they never will go away. Through out the history of armour, people have said that the tanks are no longer useful. At times, governments have gone with the smaller tanks to save money. No matter how the wheel get reinvented one fact remains, nothing can move and strike like an armour force. The best tank killer has always been the main battle tank. The small tanks cannot withstand the attack of the MBTs. Yes they are big, dirty and loud and so are it's crew. The engines drink as much fuel as the crew drinks beer. The MBT was not made for todays LIC (light intensity conflicts) but there are plans to modify the MBT for urban operations. The bee hive and HEP rounds are making a come back (bee hive 120mm flechette round, HEP high explosive plastic). The Ordance and Armour Corps has been developing counter measures since the 90s for laser guided missles. There is a projection system now being field tested to mask both the visual and thermal signature. An IFF system is in place and there is an IF supression system. How can a tank be safe on the battle field? How safe is anyone?
clank, clank, clank, clank