Malware Problem Apparently not Solved

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Master Sergeant
Feb 15, 2008
hey guys. I've just noticed that every time I visit this site, my brand new computer crashes afterwards. my malware detector still says that there's something wrong with this site. have you guys identified the problem yet?
are you absolutely certain? I have malware bytes program, and I have to turn off website blocking in order to gain access to the site.
I haven't seen or heard of anyone else having the issue. If something crashes after visiting the site, I don't think it's a malware issue. Sounds like something is either misconfigured, or needs to be re-installed.
SOMETHING is malware program does not allow me to come here with the website blocking turned on.
SOMETHING is malware program does not allow me to come here with the website blocking turned on.

No one else is having this problem. You have a NEW machine that is crashing after visiting this website and your malware program won't allow you to come on. Is it the latest version? Has it been patched to the latest revision? Have all of the updates and patches been run on the OS and on the malware program?

You really need to verify all of that before you insist that something is wrong on the website. If we had more than one person reporting this issue, it might be something. But with hundreds of visits every day, sometimes thousands, and only one report, I have to say that the most likely culprit is on the other end of the connection.
There is no malware problem here at the moment.

1. My home computer is not detecting anything.

2. Right now I am at work using a Govt. computer. The security systems on it are very thorough. If this website hat malware issues it would be detected and I would not have access to this website. It would not even allow me to view the site.
It's probably one of the adds. I noticed you get different adds at different locations of the globe. So you have different adds then I have for instance.
Some of these adds contain malware, which has been the case last year. Maybe that's why you get the malware message. I won't get it because I don't have the same add on the site.
You could try to clean-up your browser's history, which is could be the cause of crashing and is always a good thing to do. Quite often I get a site running because I threw away the history.
Talking about the crash: what does actually crash? Your browser or do you have a total system lockup? Could it be that your malware detection program is broken so you get a freeze? Do you get any messages from the computer? Have you tried different browsers? You can easily get a portable app of Firefox and/or Chrome and use it without installing in your system. This alows you to determine if the problem is in IE or whatever browser you are using.

Recomendation for everyone:
1. Make sure you always have more then 1 browser available on you system, so install FF or Chrome alongside your Internet Explorer. You can always use IE as default if you like but if you have problems, switch over to the other. It won't harm your system at all.
2. Clean-up your browser's history (cookies etc.) on a regularely basis. Say once a month. It prevents a lot of problems!
3. If you're really concerned about malware, use a unix-like system like a Mac, Linux or BSD for your daily Internet browsing. They don't have issues with viruses, rootkits and spyware. You could even do it in a virtual machine system like vm-ware or vbox, so you could run de unix as a program within your windows and you don't have tor switch systems all the time and don't have to alter the system.
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alrighty. I've found a way around the malware thing. I've simply put this site on the ignore list and the website blocking is turned on. we'll see where this goes

my OS is Windows 7
my browser is Firefox

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