Manuals People are looking for

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I'm looking for De Havilland Venom, Vampire and ghost engine manuals, if you have anything that might help, parts manuals service manuals etc. that would be great.
DFM+BB For information regarding the DH part in the photo try the De Havilland Museum in the UK at London Colney. They have a lot of information and I'm sure they will be able to help.
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Thank you Harvey01 ! do you have any contact ?
On your side you are looking for the "Nene" engine data is that right ?
Hi, I'm looking for FLUGZEUG-BORDWAFFEN and DEUTSCHER FLUGZEUGBAU HANDBUCH (LUFTFAHRTTECHNIK). Also this ones from ebay "Flugzeug Abwurfgeräte und Lafetten KOMPENDIUM".
DFM, you need to start a thread about those parts. I don't think you will get much of a reply here - this is a tech manual thread.
Yes Njaco, you are right but, I was more looking to the whole manual, to be able to identify the parts by myself.
Maybe the pics were not mandatory you are right, if you want you can delete them no problem

if you have such manual you can PM me
HP 57 Parts list wanted

Searching for years now (so far unsuccesful as you can see!) for the HP 57 parts list, named A.P. 1719C Vol III Part 1 "schedule of spare parts". Anyone out there in the depth of www who owns it and wants to share?

Cheers, Mike
Dear Colleagues,

I am looking for CF-100 Canuck flight manual. The link in the thread in this forum

is dead. May be someone can re-upload it?


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Does anyone have a copy of a Pratt Whitney R-1340 Wasp engine operating manual? I couldn't find it using the forum search function, or google.
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By any chance does anyone have a manual for De Havilland Vampire FB 5 ?

Information for that aircraft is kept by "Jever Steam Laundry." Unfortunately, they are posted page by page, but you can eventually get the whole thing.
de Havilland Vampire FB 5 9 Pilots Notes vamp5pictures

A whole collection of Vampire Pilot's Notes is sold as a package by:
Flight Manuals: Aircraft and Helicopter Flight Manuals on CD
I'm not certain, but I don't believe he has maintenance manuals.

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