Manuals People are looking for

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Sounds a little like he wants our STUFF.
Or am I being a bit, you know!


Calm down now - just because that person is shouting is no reason for you to do the same

Fortunately he cannot comprehend what he read and will go away frustrated (and maybe crying) because we did not do as his ill mannered shouting demanded.
Just an aside. I know someone who use all caps. Due to her problem eyesight it is easier for her to read. So she leaves cap locks on all the time. She told me this after I scolded her about "yelling".
I often have vision problems due to a medical issue and all I do on my computer or kindle or any other device (except my phone which cannot) is simply boost the font size. My next phone will do that because that will be a critical feature when selecting the unit.
Anyone looking for manuals or drawings for US WWII aircraft should check the site AirCorps has an extensive library about all manner of US WWII aircraft. I personally know their librarian, and can attest that she is indeed very helpful.
Please remember that Micdrow wants a separate thread for each new type of aircraft so search to see if anyone else has started a thread on the type and add to that thread, not the index.

Please please please [-o<when posting identify what the manual is - Pilot Notes or Vol n or whatever if RAF, Operating instructions or Maintenance or parts or repair if US etc etc.

There is nothing more annoying for those of us on very slow internet (Australias nbn runs at 1990's speeds outside the capital cities) than to download a file and find it is identical to one you have or to download a massive file labelled (for example) Z-51 (and nothing else) only to find it is a Dodgy Brothers manual in Slobovian when what you want is a specific manual for a totally different aircraft and in another language.

This is what I have been doing to assist others and save them downloading files they then delete - Anson manuals.

It only takes a few seconds to add the detail and a reduced sized screen shot of the cover or title page. With the cover or title page open on my desktop I hit print screen, open Irfanview IrfanView - Official Homepage - One of the Most Popular Viewers Worldwide and hit control+V, marquee the area I want to post, hit control+Y, hit control+C and paste that straight into the forum post I am doing using control+V. That provides a full size insert -- if I want to reduce the size of what is shown I click on the inserted image and drag it smaller using the black boxes that appear on each corner in the post.

I strongly recommend Irfanview and getting the add-ons. The program is free for personal use, very fast and very easy to use. There is no manual with it but a gobble search will find lots of pages with shortcut keys that tell you nearly all you need to know.
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Thanks Larry been a member for quite a while now

All the best

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