Is it possible to find those online?
Like for this one, 25.06.41 II./KG 30 Ju 88 A-5 0212 4D+DM On return flight from mission to east coast of Scotland, reported engine problems in position 05 Ost/1870. (F) Gefr. Helmut Schröder MIA (Bo) Gefr. Gotthardt Hänel MIA (Bf) Gefr. Hans Glaser MIA (Bs) Gefr. Walter Hinz MIA....
Or this one, 13.09.41 2./406 BV 138C-1 0310027 K6+FK Started from Trondheim, emergency landing in Pl.Qu. 06 Ost/9419, Missing. (F) Uffz. Karl Schenker MIA (B) Lt Günter Schast MIA (Bm) Uffz. Otto Hilger MIA (Bm) Ogefr. Franz Hell KIA (Bf) Gefr. Georg Heller MIA....