Staff Sergeant
schwarzpanzer said:The P51 is more manouverable than the Gustav/Kurfurst surely?
At an equal energy state, I would say no. Particularly if the fight is anywhere below 350-375 mph or and at less than 25,000 feet.
The 109 was THE outstanding vertical performer for most of the war, as well as consistently being one of the best accelerating aircraft. It was no slouch in the horizontal either.
Put all those together and you have an aircraft that will out climb a P-51 by a handy margin. A 109 would generally use its superior accleeration/climb to out energy fight its opponent, regardless of the front it was serving in. In fact, along with the 190D and the Spitfire, I'd hazard that the 109 was one of the top 3 energy fighting planes of the war.