IMHO the '262 alone couldn't have won the war, even had it been in service by late '43, a year earlier than it was. It would have established complete, but temporary, air-superiority, but then all that would be needed to counteract them would be to flood Europe with P-51s etc, watching the jets' bases. We all know how vulnerable the Schwalbe was on takeoff and landing, and they would always have been heavily outnumbered. Barring the early introduction into active service of first-class prop-fighters to cover the jets near the ground (such as the Dora 9, which could have been ready in '43 were it not for interfering beaurocrats), the Allies would simply have had to fight a very costly war of attrition withh the jets: thousands of high-performance prop-fighters constantly harrassing a few hundred (max) jets. Once they were under control, the bombing of industry could begin, and there'd be no way back for the Nazis...
No, the '262, after say 1942, was not a war-winner all on its own.