Oh, my bad, its different classes, Junior and Adult... The Stuka looks good but I think both of them would look better if they werent sprayed with so much gloss cote...
Way to go Chris, good job on the Stuka. And Les we went over the Japanese gloss with the Aichi dive bomber. I too was suprised that this was actually authentic. Never knew that.
Most excellent. Having done one with my 7yo, I can tell you that is not a model that has been tutored with a strong hand. Good for that young chaps old man.
I can see why. It's a tad embarrassing, but I don't do mine either. I don't know why, but my hand gets shaky whenever I need to do something THAT precise, so I have my dad do them.
The lack of painted conopies is quite common among young modellers.Nothing new.Simply they aren't told how to paint them.The kid has to work on painting as well.Anyway, the P-40 looks very nice.