Member Biography/Profile thread

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Wow this is some intense thread you started Hunter...

I was wondering where the "Devil of Rabaul" came from?
P.S. I'm from out west in "Lotus Land" but working out of Portage-la-Prairie right now.

Anyways, I am about the same vintage as Les, but I'm afraid that's where the similarity ends... Compared to a Blackhawk crewchief Iraq vet, a Navy SEAL with 30 medals, An Aussie carrier PWO, I'm kinda embarassed to post my wimpy bio...

I grew up in Vancouver B.C., Dad is Canadian, Mum is British but born in India where grandfather was posted. {He was posted to Egypt Palestine during the war} That's Mums uncle on my siggy, I always felt both proud sad at his story, he didn't get a chance to get married before the war, he had no kids, no family to remember him when he was killed.

I can relate to your story Hunter Njaco, alcohol has been a drain on Dad for probably his whole life. I guess I can be thankful that he is a more or less a "happy drunk", he doen't usually yell and he never raised a hand against me or Mum because of drinking, just becomes disagreeable sometimes. But I think of how much he was capable of, he's very smart, could have been an engineer but ended up as a dentist because thats what Grandad wanted him too. {which he didn't really like}. He was a really skilled builder, he remodelled our house and built a 45' boat from the bare hull, including wiring, rigging, woodwork and did all the electronic installation. Too bad I didn't inherit his technical brain or skill with my hands....

I was in scouts as a kid, I was hoping to go into the military when I got older {probably Navy} but a bad accident at school killed that option when I was 16. We were doing gymnastics, because the school was overcrowded we had to use the cafeteria, with the tables pushed away and a few mats put down. We were supposed to be building a pyramid, I was on the third level, the last guy was supposed to vault up and we would hold him in place as the 4th level {the "capstone" of the pyramid} but he took it too fast and crashed in knocking us all flying. I flew off and took a glancing hit on a cafeteria bench on my back. {the "one-piece" kind which is attached to the table} I then landed on my back on the hard floor and lay there.

I came to, I was completely freaked out, I couldn't feel anything below my neck, and couldn't move. It happened right before lunch, the bell rang and here were dozens of kids bursting in to see the gimp lying on the floor. The vice-pricipal came in, and came over and reached down "let me give you a hand up" {a real bright light there } I told him "don't f**king touch me, call an ambulance" {I don't remember swearing, but they told me later I did } I was in the hospital for 2 days, the feeling came back, they did some tests and they told me everything was OK. After a couple of weeks at home I went back to school but I was getting intense pain in my lower back. They did more tests, x-rays, radiography etc etc.

Finally they told my mother {in private} that "it's all in his head", so I had too go see a shrink. {yes Graeme we have brilliant doctors in Canada too }
They asked me to "tell me what is bothering you"? The f**king pain in my back you dip-s**t!!! The shrink reported I had an imaginary pain AND A BAD ATTITUDE. Anyways after a year of this nonsense I finally insisted that they re-do the tests, they found a severed ligament in between the vertabrae. {soft tissue, doesn't show up on x-rays} I had a spinal fusion done at 18, thankfully it worked and I'm 100% ok, but screwed up my GPA in my senior year. {and killed any chance of getting into the military}

I went to college for a few years, spent a couple of years sailing around the South Pacific on Dad's boat {Auckland, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Hawaii, Fiji} and then came back to Canada, started working. I drive long distance, I'm thinking to go back to finish my degree and stay put somewhere, but I love travelling too much... I've been to every state except Alaska Maine.

I was also in Gulfport MS, 9 months after the hurricane, it freaked me out to see the damage there, I have some pics too. 2 story beachfront houses with the lower floor washed out, blocks blocks with no houses - only the front steps had the house number painted on it to show that a house had been there. The hurricane surge had "grooved" the beach and left 3 foot high "waves" in the sand, very weird...

OK so sorry if this wandering down memory lane is going on WAAAAAY too long... Alex. {Canadian Hoser}

I'll post my Hoser pic to save Les the trouble... {the one in the touque}


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I went and added ur mugshot photos for each Bio.... If u didnt submit a pic, I added one for u, in humiliation....

Oh well that explains why my face seemed to be caved in all of a sudden and not look like me at all! I'm happy to share photos but can't get them from my iphoto library to this site yet. Recently upgraded from PC to macbook and lot to learn. I can only email photos so far
the difference is the hat, Les.

Hunter, this was a Great idea!

Uh..nope, Njaco..I'm thinking it was the HUGE fatty that you stumbled upon BEFORE the second pict..just sayin'

Yes, Hunter...KUDOS!! very good thread!! I'm not brave enough to post..OR haven't narrowed it all down into something that 1)doesn't take 4 pages and 2) covers everything WITHOUT putting y'all to sleep..OR having any of you guys wondering if you MIGHT be my father.

Has been wonderful to get to know you guys a little more intimately..(F'you Matt I don't feel like looking up the word...damn spelling Nazi) AND on the flip side..its a very healing excercise to put yourself out there..type out all of your past and see it. It helps! Me being ME, I read the histories and wish you forgiveness...for yourselves.

OK..enough of me being a 'girl' ...I'll go and watch the military channel and redeem myself.
What, I don't look good in a camo shirt and hat?

No fatty, That 2d pic is me just trying to keep up the "Get Lucky" thread!
Interesting story Freebird/Alex.... U dont need medals or be a Vet to have an interesting background man... The fact that u went to 48 out of 50 States is quite an accomplishment.....

Yeah, I wasn't planning to be doing it so long but its a real bonus to see the whole continent.

+ I get to listen to all the talking heads on the satt. radio during the day, all the latest B.S. Today Barak Osama is crying because people think he's anti American for not wanting to wear a US flag pin. What the f**k does he think people will conclude from that?

Going down to Gulfport, Miss in the spring of '06 was a real eye-opener thats for sure. Some guys just sit around at a truckstop but I like to get around and explore when I'm there.

But doesnt/didnt all that driving bother ur back???

It's actually not been a problem, they did a spinal fusion, they remove the disc in between the vertabrae stick them together, instead of the 2 ligaments {one was severed in accident}

After 2 years it's supposed to be as strong or better than original. The freaky part is the operation when they do the deed. Doc told me "if all goes well after 24 months you will be at 100% function", I asked him what would be if it didn't go well , he said if they nick the nerve during surgery you're in a wheelchair for life.

Holy crap!


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I think this is a good idea, and I will contribute. I will just have to write it
up in another program and paste. Remember I have 74 years to cover.... or
should I do it in chapters ?

I was born on Staten Island in 1959. I was the youngest of 4 children (one brother and two sisters). I grew up in city run projects that catered to middle to lower income families. There was a ten to thirteen year age gap between my siblings and I so I was always "the baby" and very much doted over. My dad was an auto mechanic and worked very hard in providing for his family. Although a bit strict and overprotective, my parents were very loving.

I always had an attraction toward the military and anything mechanical. Planes, cars and submarines fascinated me – my brother introduced me to model building when I was 6 and I started on airplanes shortly thereafter. By the time I was 12 I knew I was going to do something that involved aviation. I also loved hockey and excelled in it. By the time I was a teenager I found myself playing in leagues with much older and bigger kids. I continued to play up until a few years ago.

At 17 my parents decided for a change and we moved to California. By this time all my other siblings were married and on their own. My dad was sick of the NY weather and in recent years he changed occupations and was working construction. Construction was feast or famine and there was a spell he was unemployed for a whole winter.

After completing high school I enrolled at a local community college that had an FAA Airframe and Powerplant program. I figured this was a good base for me to decide where I wanted to go in aviation. While in college I did a short stint in ROTC and entertained going into the army. By the time I graduated the cold war had sprung open and aerospace jobs were plentiful and pretty high paying. Eventually I wound up at Lockheed where I spent 10.5 years. I eventually wound up in Quality Assurance and spent 5 years in Canada as a QA field rep. Things were going well till the Cold war ended and me and another 9,000 workers from Lockheed were now unemployed. Luckily I always found employment quickly.

After several dead end relationships through out the 1980s I married in 1990 and thought things would be rosy forever after. My ex to my surprise had some issues with alcohol that eventually ended in our marriage in 1997 and her loosing custody of her son.

Through out the 90s employment was pretty tough. Although I managed to stay in aerospace, there was always the threat of lay-off or I was working for real @ssholes. In the late 1990s things stabilized a little and I also started to do side work at my local GA airport. It was at this time I decided to get my pilots license and I also went in the USNR.

In late 1997 I met a gal who I would eventually marry. Although a bit younger than me (13 years) she respected my dreams and desires and besides, her dad was also a pilot and it turned out we knew many of the same industry associates who spoke very highly of me.

Although my new wife and I were doing well financially, the post 9-11 era had me change jobs due to a lay off and I found myself in a company I worked previously and absolutely hated. My wife and I had discussed moving to Colorado and in the spring of 2003 we had enough and packed up stakes and left California. Since arriving here things have worked out real well for us. I eventually became a flight instructor, which served well as a part time gig. I still turn some wrenches on airplanes part time but now I pick and choose where and when. Full time I landed a great job at the US Air Force Academy. My wife works as an L&D nurse at a local hospital and we have a 2 year old and another getting ready to roll out of the hangar any day now. Although I cherish certain times in my past, I consider these times as the best years of my life.

I've been blessed in working in an industry I truly enjoy. I've had the opportunity to work on some pretty unique aircraft and also fly some neat stuff as well. I do hope I have my health in place for a number of years so I could press on and keep rolling.......
I was born in Montijo-Portugal in 7 April 1976, 4 months after my parents escaped from the civil war in Angola.

Finished high-school at the age 17.

went to Airforce paratroopers has a volunter at age 17 also, after a few month the paratroopers were tranfered to the army and i staid in the airforce and joined the airpolice, made the airpolice corporal school with grade of 99.75.
went to APC drivers course in the same year, and joined the instruction group to forme new airpoliceman and staid for one year.

did some missions of country, and aplied for CSAR team (RESCOM), after the coursemade sargeant school.
Left the air forceand i am now in Op reserve.

After the air force worked has a security guard for one year, worked in Ford Motor Company in NPMS for 2 years after that Joined the National Republican Guard and left because of a knee injury, now i work has a City municipal inspector.

I´m divorced ( left wife to be with another woman), no kids.

My hobbies are, aircraft modelling, off-road racing, Portuguese IPSC and long range rifle marksman, paintball, biker and rockclimber.
I´m also president of a sports club and director of the my city off-road club.

i think i didn´t forget anything.

Last poto in the air force:

My Harley:

my Land Rover:

my last photo:

I think it was Charles who said "establish a buddy list". Some may think that we Forum members are nothing more than avatars, text and BS. But from my perspective, not so. All of you are a little part of my life.

Well said Matt.

Cota..... You hang in there buddy. You always remember, if you decide to do something silly, you just remember that sweet lady you have and that will give you TONS of strength to move mountains.

Hunter..... No doubt your a strong man. Thank you for starting this thread.

Les..... Thanks for serving the way you did!

Everyone, PLEASE get on the buddy list. I have a couple guys that I have their contact info and they have mine. Its absolutely amazing what this thread has seems like it's theropy, ya know? A place to vent.

Thanks to EVERYONE who is sharing a part of their life.
All, very good stuff. It's amazing how many of us had to deal with someone with an alcohol or substance abuse problem.

Dan - thanks for adding the mug shot.

Matt - well said - agree 100%

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