Members Airshow meet, 'Flying Legends' 2017

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Andy, as our normal camp site is no longer operating, we're staying at Highfields Farm camp site at Comberton, about 3 miles west of Cambridge. It might be easier to arrange a taxi from Cambridge, rather than get a train from Royston.

Ahh memories! I lived in Comberton for a few weeks when I first got to Cambridge. I remember sitting in the back yard in May watching Spitfires fly around above me...
Good one Karl.
I'm currently sorting and re-sizing my pics, and will start a thread later tonight. Meanwhile, here's a pic of the 'gang' at the end of Sunday's show, with Andy's family and Karl in the back row, and me, my daughter Josie and her boyfriend front row. Unfortunately, Garry had gone on a wander by this time.


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