These are extracts from a study made by cadet Esa Tervonen on 19th May 1952, two years before the Bf-109s were removed from Finnish service. Finns used the "real" Bf-109 from 1943 to 1954, the last operational aeroplanes were type G-6. Finns didn't use their "Mersus" at full power so the HP readings aren't the same as the German.
"The MT (Finnish designation for Bf-109) climbs quickly to 5000 meters due of the powerful supercharger installed to engine. Climbing with speed of 270 km/h it takes only around 5 minutes 15 seconds from 0 to 5000 m."
"The maximum power gives out around 1355 HP, the max. continuous power is 1080 HP. From the figures one can figure out that MT has the best flying characteristics from 5000 to 5700 meters. Only higher than that the engine startes loosing power.
In practice the flying characteristics of MT are different in 5000 meters than in surface. The plane is more sensitive, flexible and easier to control in turns."
"Climbing in steep turns is to be avoided since if the speed is decreased below 250 km/h and if the aeroplane is not flown correctly the plane could enter in spin. The plane lose altitude around a kilometer per spin."
MT:n nousu 5000 m:iin tapahtuu nopeesti johtuen koneen suuritehoisesta korkeusahtimella varustetusta moottorista. Nousu nopeudella 270 km/t on nousuaika vain n. 5 min 15 sek.
"The MT (Finnish designation for Bf-109) climbs quickly to 5000 meters due of the powerful supercharger installed to engine. Climbing with speed of 270 km/h it takes only around 5 minutes 15 seconds from 0 to 5000 m."
Maksimiteho koneella on siellä 1355 hv, suurin kestoteho on kuitenkin 1080 hv. Näistä luvuista huomaamme, että MT:llä on 5000 m:ssä parhaimmat lento-ominaisuutensa aina 5700 m:iin saakka. Vasta siitä yläspäin mentäessä teho alkaa laskea.
Käytännässä MT:n lento-ominaisuudet 5000 m:ssä ovat hieman erillaiset kuin matalalennolla lennettäessä. Kone on herkempi, taipuisampi ja helpompi ohjata kaarroissa.
"The maximum power gives out around 1355 HP, the max. continuous power is 1080 HP. From the figures one can figure out that MT has the best flying characteristics from 5000 to 5700 meters. Only higher than that the engine startes loosing power.
In practice the flying characteristics of MT are different in 5000 meters than in surface. The plane is more sensitive, flexible and easier to control in turns."
Nousua jyrkässä kaarrossa on syytä varoa, ettei koneen nopeus pääse liian pieneksi, sillä MT:kin voi joutua syöksykierteeseen nopeuden pienentyessä alle 250 km/t ja jos silloin ohjataan virheellisesti. Syöksykierteessä on huomioitava, että kone putoaa n. 1 km yhden kierteen aikana.
"Climbing in steep turns is to be avoided since if the speed is decreased below 250 km/h and if the aeroplane is not flown correctly the plane could enter in spin. The plane lose altitude around a kilometer per spin."