Meteor and P-80....

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Maybe if I leave some Polish or Russian vodka here on the table, they'll pop up soon....

Forget about the vodka, laddy, how about a single-malt whiskey! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, but I've actually been concentrating on finishing some of my models, instead of just talking about finishing them. As far as those colors go for that IL-2 profile (which I believe is from the Modelling the Aircraft of the Soviet VVS site), they don't show up very true. For example, what should be brown appears light gray, and the dark gray appears bluish-gray. The green isn't too far off the correct color. The colors (colours?) I believe should be AMT-4 Green, AII Light Brown, and AMT-12 Dark Gray. These colors are all available from White Ensign Models (White Ensign Models). I've used their colors before and although I don't like gloss paint (they all appear to be gloss), they look true and go on well with an airbrush. That's about the best I can do on the vexatious question of the IL-2 three-color topside scheme. You can send the whiskey to my Box at Victoria Station (it's actually behind the water pipes for the third loo on the right) and I'll have one of my people pick it up. Cheers!

Thanks a bunch mate, appreciated! Question though, are these WEM paints acrylic or? Have also been thinking that this fellas would "borrow" some "old" stock from neighbouring bases. What would be suitabel from the RAF or USAAF FS sharts?
Far as I know, WEM paints are enamel, I think that's what Keith uses. Borrowed paints - some of the 8th AF Fighter Groups, in particular the 56th, 'borrowed' RAF paints, and I've also heard that some British Army paints had been used at times. So, the choice is broad, and remember that as this is a 'what if?', the actual colours/shades could be virtually anything you like. The way I'm looking at it is going from a 'standard' finish, in the case of the RAF, to experimental, or development colours and patterns. I'm imagining a scenario where the 'boffins' are starting to look at the actual requirements for individual roles, and developing patterns and colours to meet those requirements. A logical extension of this would (probably) lead to some futuristic schemes (for the period), that wouldn't look out of place in the 1970's or even today. This would also apply to the Luftwaffe in this scenario, where the forerunner of the 'modern' splinter scheme, as per W.German Phantoms, might be seen......
Terry's correct, Jan, the WEM paints are enamels. I bought a bunch of them for my various VVS projects. I used the blue color on all my IL-2's and it went on well and didn't kill my airbrush (unlike acrylics).

What is the problem, becuse going through all these posts here I wasn't able to catch any idea what is going on?
What is the problem, becuse going through all these posts here I wasn't able to catch any idea?

Wurger, I think the question had to do with the colors on an IL-2 three-color topsides paint scheme that Jan posted. I think I answered his question, at least as well as I could. I'm still waiting for that whiskey, Jan (I have a feeling I'll be waiting for a long time)!

The question from the start or idea more like it, to build two crates, in this case a Spitfire MkXIV and a P-47M, for jet protection much like the famous staffeln of JV44 and their Doras. I've only decided for the two machines in this "what if" scenario, now I'm just trying to figure out what kinda camouflage and markings these could/would have had. Toying with the idea of using the 56th FG as a pattern and the rather unique schemes that they had on their late M's, a bit of pick and mix you know....
I'm going to use a three colour camouflage though instead and thought that those on the Il-2 posted earlier looked interesting...
Any ideas and suggestions are most welcome Wojtek.
Cought fully now.

Mayby something like this...


  • P-51 experimental camo.jpg
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  • P-51 experimental camo1.jpg
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Maybe add a "what if" P-80 in 78th or 357th FG's or such colours later.....

Which squadrons did first see combat with the Meteor? Another question, should I give the Spitfire Mk.XIV and the P-47M/N codes matching the rest of these or go with something different, like numerals or?

Keeping an eye on a 1/48 Academy P-47N and a Mk.XIV on ebay.....
First squadron to get the Meteor was 616, Auxiliary Air Force, the first two being delivered on 12th July 1944. They didn't see combat as such, being employed on anti-'Diver' ops against the V1. The Squadron codes at the time were YQ.
I think maybe numbers would be a better choice for the unit codes, make it look different.
If you're interested, the Hobbycraft 1/48th Spit XIV is more accurate overall, although perhaps a little 'basic' compared to the average Academy kit, but it's still got a reasonably detailed cockpit. The only let-down is the usual poor Hobbycraft canopy, but I've got a MkIX canopy you could use. King Kit have the Hobbycraft kit in stock, at £9.99, plus shipping at about £3.50.
It looks the right shape, and matches well with scale plans. The Academy kit is wrong in the aft fuselage, where it's (I think) too short, and certainly the wrong depth, the nose and cowling are wrong, the prop certainly looks wrong, being on the 'heavy' side, and the landing gear is a bit off!
As mentioned, the only major flaw with the Hobbycraft kit is the canopy, which is a bit thick and hazy, and the rear, fixed section is a little too shallow. But, this can easily be corrected with a replacement canopy, or my spare one, or stick with the kit canopy after polishing and a coat of 'Klear'. Here's a pic of my unfinished and very dirty example, converted to a PR19.
The camera angle, and wide lens, make it look a bit distorted I'm afraid, but you should get an idea of what it's like. BTW, the kit decals are Crap!


  • Wall of Shame 019.jpg
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