Micro Build, 1/285 scale Ki-27

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That's great things are better for you George! Looking forward to some of them additional projects (F-105 and the A-6)! I've had to set my 1/285 build aside, do to medical issues I've been having. Hoping I can get it started up again soon!

Thanks for sharing your hard work and if anyone hasn't told ya latley, thanks for your service!

Here are the F-105G and A-6 just before they were shipped off a month ago

I made the master for the USS Cumberland over 10 years back for Bay Area Yards. I am now fitting one out, a commission build
Also gathering and painting scads of WW2 stuff in 15mm
I have been gathering a substantial 15mm miniatures force, German and American.
For fun, in NOV DEC I built 6 Gunboats for a BARBARY PIRATES vs USN 1803 era game. I also built two mortar boats.


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