MiG crash in Michigan 2023-08-18

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Some awfully big chunks leaving suddenly in video. I'd suspect something big and important coming apart internally.

In the 90s, listened to a debrief of Egyptian MiG23 trained pilot, and they didn't like it, turning it down, keeping MiG21s and waiting for MiG29 and Sukhoi. Complex, terrible to maintain, and unstable at high speeds; it was unloved by most customers, and though built in large #s, was usually retired early.

One killed AF General Bond, head of Systems Command, on his retirement tour attempting a high speed run.
The "big chunks" are the canopies jettisoning, with the smoke being from the explosive separators, before the two ejection seats fire, clearly seen in other videos.

I've looked over the several videos for a possible cause for the crash. There seems no airframe damage or disintegration visible. I might only think that there's an engine-failure involved, but we must await the investigation.
Agree. There are many other possibilities. Hopefully the crew will be able to answer some of those questions soon

For example, I do not know the flight control (or any other system for that matter) in the MiG-23 but if like the F-86 it is dependent on hydraulic pressure so if you lose that you have no option but to punch out.

Maybe someone here has a set of MiG-23 manuals that will help once the crew do start talking in public.
Gen. Bond went to Tonepah Test Range to fly one of the Red Eagles Mig-23 just before his retirement. According to the book, he refused to listen to the complete preflight briefing. Therefore, he did not learn of the requirement of slow throttle reduction from high speed. The aircraft has an automatic feature to prevent rapid throttle reduction from high speed and when throttled back, automatically reduces to safe speed regardless of of throttle position. The General thought he had a runaway engine and tried to eject.
That was a systemic failure. But how's a Lt. Col. gonna tell a star wearer "No. Sir." A friend commanded a fighter training squadron and violated regs that compounded maintenance and endangered safety. Didn't matter--he had to retire. The military needs to remember Napoleon's statement: "Sometimes insubordination indicates a superior intelligence."
Sorry, the MiG-23 is a single-engine aircraft... there is NO "adjacent engine"!

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