Military Aviation Museum in Va Beach VA

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A little update with MAM's FW 190 D9/N, it is now in Germany at Meier Motors getting the Junkers Jumo 213 installed. Here is a few more pics that I found of her.


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  • Fighter Factory FW 190 D9 Pic 2.JPG
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The Mossie will be doing airshows in Europe before it comes over here to the US. I honestly have no idea when she will be here. Here are some pics of our Luftwaffe pride and joy #1. BadAss Machine!


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I know it has been a bit since I have posted been lazy I guess but here is a pic of our Luftwaffe hangar. We since got a ME 262 engine cutaway, A FW 44 and some other cool stuff in which I will post pics of over the next week.


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