Missing part - help! Edit: part found please ignore!

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Staff Sergeant
Jan 25, 2009
Newark, UK
I'm halfway through building a Hasegawa 1/72 Mosquito FB Mk VI (it's in STFB's) and I've just realised that one of the undercarriage doors (if that's the word) is missing. Fingertip search of work area has turned up nothing.

Anyone got any amazing ideas on how I can rescue this? Would I have to buy another kit to get the part? Would the part from a Tamika kit do it?

Absolutely gutted, I've put loads of effort into this one!
The good news is that you can use the one from the other side as a template as the nacelles are identical. I'd suggest you build one up from styrene card by cutting several pieces to the shape of the template, curving them around a large pencil or dowel, the gluing them together. Should do nicely.

blimey that sounds complicated - but disaster averted! See other thread.

thanks as ever!

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