Modelling Books

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Definitely looks like a very good range of subjects. Some of those last pics have confirmed to me that, anyone who wants to go to sea, must be a total nutter! Nasty, cold water, bouncing about in the waves, AND being attacked! Not for me!
You are right Terry to a certain extent ,of course. And now here something for armour lovers....


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THX guys.So for the killing here you are other examples.There are over 230 brochures in the series and it is still continued.


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Terry, these arent expensive.In the past these were 7zł later 10zł.Now these are for 14PLN and it depends on about a booklet is.There are 32 pages approximately.These older consisted of 22 pages.
These recent issues are printed with better paper.Usually inside and sometimes outside of a booklet cover there are are colour profiles,also there is one 3-view profile in the double middle page.Each issue contains technical datas, a history and development of armament, some info about operational using and info about camo patterns.There are cutaways very often. And of course some pictures.
What about Profiles? Have these been issued yet?
Sadly, TBiUs are in Polish only.But for these who is interested in a such equipment there shouldnt be problems.Have a look at this.


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Kagero Ju-87 series...


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The next series of Kagero.Some very nice drawings and profiles in these issues.


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