The majority of the paint is from the Vallejo RAF Day set, sprayed with an Iwata NEO. It's my first attempt at RAF tactical day camo. Next try I think I will scale up the paint scheme sheets to 1/48 and cut templates to follow with the airbrush. I have a group of Spitfires waiting. Next up is Tamiya's new A-34 Comet. One of my favorites. Tanks are a little easier to paint
I've almost completed my first model in over 25 years, the SH Kittyhawk 1a (just need to add the final pre-painted bits and pieces and open canopy) and my next project will be either a Spitfire (Eduard VIII) or Seafire (Sword IIc) so looking for some help please. I have raised this question in th...
Funny, the instructions and the box art didn't call for yellow tips. I bought the kit on eBay. It came with a brass etch cockpit detail package, which IMHO seems over kill when you can't see the results of your work. I have many old Monogram kits waiting to build.
I remember some Monogram decals of a certain vintage (1980s & 90s?) didn't react well with common decal application solvents. They particularly didn't like Micro Sol. They would often wrinkle up and be "unfixable."
I built this one on the 1970s. I don't recall which company. Picture of the model in front of a centre fold from one of the aviation magazines of the time.